2:Red jacket and dark brown with gold tint.

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Nile's Pov

A smile played on my lips as I made my way out of the East Wilson Highschool.

I wouldn't be surprise if I was stop by the police right now and charged with using drug because I probably looked as high as a kite, smiling to myself with no sensible source of laughter.

Well, I'd like to defend myself that I wasn't high or using drug.

I was just thinking of a girl I met at the gallery this morning. Um,technically, I was thinking of my scene with her.

I stop by at the gallery early in the morning as I rubbed my sweat palm against my pant. It's the first time my painting was showed in a real art gallery and I felt like I was about to ride a roller coaster.

I expected no one would be at the gallery at this time of the day so I decided to drop by and gave it a one last chek. And to my surprise, there's someone at the gallery apart from my pal, Sam.

She was clung onto Sam's arm as they moved to the center part of the gallery. I could only see her back but she seem so familar to my eyes. Her dark brown with gold tint single-braid and that bright red jacket wasn't something easy to forget.

My carumba?!? She stop in front of my painting. My heart beat in a dangerous rate.

I moved slowly, scruntinized her feeling toward my picture though she was turning her back to me.


To say I was surprised was a big understatement.

Her body trembling with laughter, instead of the tear that I was expected.

I couldn't understand how picture that portray mother divided from her baby made someone laugh.

I was about to approach her and asked that when she turned away from the picture and started to walk back. That's when my question got an answer.

She's Blind

My heart fell at that thought. Not because she couldn't see my painting, well, that was just a little part. But it's that, I didn't even want to imagine myself lost the ability to see. Painter with no eyes was like pianist without finger.

I stalked, ahem, followed her and within a few turn, her feet did a misstep and caused her to fall.


The first time I came here I fell from that step too. I should probably tell the manager about this.

I catched her in time and took a clearer look of her face.

Umm, so familar.

But I couldn't recall where I've met her.

Our conversation flew smoothly like everytime I flirted with girl until she step on my feet. Ow!

That was definitely not something I saw coming

Never have I known a girl who step in a guy feet only because she felt embarassed.

I found myself satisfied with her bright red sheek , not her dangerous feet though so I said the last line that I was pretty sure she's going to blush redder than her jacket.

And ah, my mission was beautifully complet.

'Hey,man, finally you here'

I was pulled out of my thought when someone snapped finger in front of me.

'Ha? Oh, hi Dee' I did a fist bump with my bestfriend , Danté. He's not the smartest person you've met but I could assure you he's a decent man.

'Come on Nile let's go get that Pallen boy' Danté smacked my back and locked my neck with his arm as we walked to West Wilson highschool

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