13: That's all that matter.

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Nile's Pov.


Her voice was so soft that only a breeze could wipe it away.

I took a glance of Cass that laid stunningly in my arms. Her brows furrowed and her mouth hung a little open. For outsider, it might seem like I was always the one who caught her, but the truth was she was the one who caught me. It's always her.

Just looking at her face ,just sensing her existence, strength filled me.

After what happened, I was drown in guilt. My ankle was wrapped with anchor, pulling me down that I couldn't go back to the surface.

At first, the biggest pain was I couldn't be able to face her, but then I know, the real pain was not seeing her. The real torture was knowing that I was the one to blame for all the unfortunate events in her life, and I did nothing for her.

So I went to the hospital.

And all of sudden everything disappeared.

All the thought of making it up to her vanished with the wind when I saw Cass laid unconscious in the bed.

I wasn't there because I felt guilty, but my heart, it squeezed with pain as I knew she's hurting.

And that moment, I knew...

I fell, with no way up, for her.

At first, I just felt bad for Cass for losing her sight and that beating her just because of her condition was not the victory I could accept. So on the day I bumped into her at the art gallery, I made up my mind to at least bring her back to art.

Who'd know, that day I was also safed.

Even in her bad condition, she managed to think about me. Her constant inquiry about my existence made me realized, I wasn't good enough for her. So I kept myself in the shadow, looking over her in the distance.

Now she shaded the light on me and I couldn't hide anymore.


Darn, I wished my word came out a little bit cleverer.

"You're here?"

Cass asked absent-mindedly as her hand found it ways to my face. "All this time?"

"I'm sorry"

I was about to led her back to the bed when she pulled me toward and enveloped me in a tight hug. Her head buried in my chest so hard that I could felt tears seep through my black shirt.

"I was expecting some kind of slap from you but I'm not unhappy with this at all"

A small smile cracked through the sob. And my.heart skipped a beat.

I didn't know how much I missed her smile until I saw it again.

"I hope you still remember how hard my hit are"

"Oh, trust me. My skin remember it clearly"

This one earned me her laughter and I felt somewhat content.

"Don't you angry with me for not showing up earlier?" I asked half-heartedly.

"Well, I was.." Cass bite her bottom lip. Oh my, was it weird that I found it incredibly alluring.


"I know you have your reason, and at the end you're here." She whispered softly. I could see blush spread across her pale cheek. "That's all that matter to me."

And with that I knew I was lucky.


This will be the last chapter before epilogue.

Thank you for everything.

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