9: White horse and Dark Knight

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Cassiopeia's Pov

I was picking on my round pillow and I had no idea how to stop it.

It's been a week. A full whole week since the last time I saw Nile.

Okay, I knew I sounded like a little bit obsessed but I couldn't help it. I tried to come up with a good reason why he disappeared. We'll actually there's one that quite made sense.

He had nothing to do with me.

It's true. I wasn't by any way connected with him. I wasn't his friend or his family obviously.

But my mind still couldn't stay at peace because there's another thing that kept playing in my head, the thing that I afraid most. Maybe he freaked out.

He saw my scar and I wouldn't blame him if he ran away. It took a good amount of insanity for someone to take away their own life. And maybe he didn't want to hang out with the lunatic who tried to do that. But I had no regret. It was just the matter of time. He would eventually know it anyway. And it's better for him to run away now or else I might not be able to let him go.

Still, a little part of me prayed he didn't feel that way.

I felt like I was one of those girls in the movies that always insecure of how guys thought of them. But I wouldn't sit here and had no clue about this.

I groped on a night table to find my cellphone. He left his number to me the last time we met. Just in case I need anything, he said.

Did I need anything?

Okay, I needed to find an excuse. Well, I'd come up with something later.

I dialed his number shakily by touching the Braille on my phone. It's weird but I could remember his number quite clear.

He didn't answer...

This may be the sign from The Lord that I should give-


The same hoarse voice of him came along the line. Oh my goodness!! He answered. Okay okay calm down Cass.

'Hello, you there?'

-'Hiiiii, Nile. It's me Cass.'

Why was my voice an octave higher than usual?!?

'Cass, what's up?'

-'Nothing much. Just...' Think Cass think. 'Just wanna say hi' that's so so stupid.

'Oh, hi then, beautiful'

Beautiful....I felt my face burning. He said like it's a normal word but some how it managed to make me blush every single time.

'Are you still there?'

-'Yes,yes...um..' Oh my darn mouth, say something!

'Is everything alright, beautiful'

-'Absolutely. Are you free this afternoon?' What on earth are you thinking Cass?! Stop it. 'Oh,umm, forget it. Okay so bye, have a lo-'

'I'm free'

Nile interrupted my line and I, well, speechless.

'Same park in an hour?' He offered like he was the one asking me out.

I nodded frantically but I soon realized that he couldn't see me so I said -'S..Sure'

'See you then, beautiful'

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