Chapter 4

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The Cold Mafia Queen

Part Four

End of Flashback; Present Day

As the whispering got louder, I couldn't even notice it. I was just focused on him, he looked so hurt even though he was trying to put on a tough exterior.

"Are you done shouting? I see no reason for you to keep yelling at me for your mistakes." I said back to him, as much as I cared about him, I needed to keep him safe, you never know who's watching.

He scoffs at me in disbelief "Tch wow, still the bitchy attitude huh? Fine." he says as he pushes off of me. "Just mark my words I'll beat you out next time." he glares as he walks away.

"Whatever." he was always like this. I just packed my things and headed outside to meet Curtis. Just then a text came in "I am sorry Young Master, I am not able to pick you up today. Will you be okay?" I laughed a little, "Jeez, does he still think I'm a child?" "Yes Curtis I'll be fine, I'm just gonna stop by the cafe before coming home." I replied back.

I started my walk to the coffee shop with my headphones on blasting music. I was about to enter the shop when I saw some movement out of the corner of my eyes. I immediately hid around the corner so I could take in the situation.

"This is your last chance kid. We know you know where Black Mamba is." one of the guys said to the boy who was on the ground. "I'm telling you. I have no idea who you are talking about." he said, almost in a whisper.

I knew I needed to do something quickly, so I put on my mask and hood so no one could see my real face. As I was about to interrupt I caught a glimpse of the boy's face "No. Why you?".

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" one of the guys yelled. "You shouldn't be here!! Go! Run!" the boy shouted. I scoffed a little, "Why are you chasing me away when you were so keen on finding me in the first place?" I said with a slight smirk.

All of their faces dropped. "You! I told you that you would regret the day you messed with us!" the other guy yelled. "And you are?" I replied back to them. "Honestly, there are so many people who want revenge on me I don't even know who most of them are." This made them even angrier.

"You killed our boss! We will get revenge!" they yelled back. This time I laughed "Sure. Do what you must." they all came running at me, but I can tell they're rookies.

Author's pov

You took them down with great ease. All their guns and weapons were now either broken or in your hands. You pointed the guns at them "This is your last warning. If I ever see you again I won't hesitate to kill all of you." you said in your signature cold voice that sent shivers down their spines.

You lifted the guns off their heads and motioned for them to get out of here, and they immediately followed your orders.

Turning back to the boy that was still curled up in the corner due to fear, your eyes softened up a little. You were about to take off your mask, but then you realized that you have to keep up your different identity.

Walking up to him slowly, "hey, are you okay?" you said softly, not wanting to scare him even more. He looked up at me, there was so much fear in his eyes. You wanted to hug him, but you knew that you couldn't, especially not now since now you have no idea who may be watching.

"Yes I'm fine" he replied to you. You held out your hand so he could get up, and he reluctantly took it. "You're not gonna kill me are you?" he asked shyly.

You chuckled a little at his shyness before answering "No. why would I do that?" "Well, aren't you that Black Mamba person they were talking about? They said you were a cold mafia queen who doesn't let anyone get in her way." he said.

Sighing, you told him "Yes I am Black Mamba, and yes, I am a mafia queen." you started off. You could see him freeze up for a second, and you laughed.

"But I have never killed anyone out of spite. Those who get in my way are those who want to stop me from bringing good to the world. They chose a path of evil and there was nothing I could do to get them to understand what I want to accomplish. So instead of standing with me, they stood against me. There was nothing I could do, they brought it on themselves." you said with a little bit of sadness in your voice.

You really did want to do good, just like your parents wanted. But there are just some people who didn't want to do good, and just let money and greed take over their lives. Yes, you were cold to your enemies, but that didn't mean that you didn't feel some sort of guilt that they could have been your allies.

As a mafia queen, you needed to block your emotions from your work and never go soft on anyone. Otherwise, it'll come back to bite you later.

You turned back to the boy who was still taking in all that you just told him. "Let's go inside, it's getting cold out here." you said with a slight smile.

You entered the cafe with the boy, you wanted to order something, but then saw the time and realised that Curtis is probably wondering where you are. "I have to go. Stay safe okay?" you said to the boy as you were leaving "I will. Thanks again." he said. You smiled and then left.

Back at the Mansion; Y/n pov

"Young Master! I was just about to send the guards to search for you! What happened?" Curtis basically screamed at me.

I laughed "ahh he was always such a mother hen." "I'm fine Curtis, I just ran into some trouble at the cafe." I simply replied.

Curtis took a huge sigh of relief "Whew! Thank goddess nothing happened to you Young Master. I swear one day you are going to give me a heart attack!" he said, laughing a little too. I smiled at him and went up to my room.

I began to work on my homework and after about 2 hours, I finished. Finally stretching my arms and standing up, I plop down on my bed. "Ahhh finally." I took a shower and did my nightly routine, but just as I was about to go to sleep my mind drifted to him again.

"Koo, why were you there?"

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