Chapter 7

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The Cold Mafia Queen

Part Seven

Author's pov

As they were listening to the story, they were brought back to memories from freshman year. Jungkook would spend hours talking about her, whether it be how pretty she looked in class or that fact that he got beaten again for test scores.

Flashback; 3 years ago

"Hey kook still doing homework?" Namjoon asked as he patted Jungkook on the back as they entered the cafe.

"Yeah hyung, I need to study harder so I can finally beat y/n in test scores. She always scores higher than me!" he said pouting. The boys laughed at him in adoration "I think little kookie has a crush you guys" Jin said jokingly

Jungkook's face turned scarlet red from blushing, and the boys roared in laughter. "Our maknae is growing up!" Jin said again, drying his fake tears.

They sat down with him and listened to him go on and on about y/n. Looking at each other they all smiled. They had never seen Jungkook this happy. One day, that all changed.

The boys walked into the cafe like they normally did everyday "Kook anything else to talk about today? Did y/n talk to you at least?" Jimin said teasing. Suddenly they all heard small sobs coming from their youngest.

"Hyungs, she stopped talking to me. I don't even know what I did wrong, she just told me to never talk to her again." He said between sobs.

The boys have never seen him so heartbroken, they were also in shock. They never thought the situation with y/n was that bad. It was always playful fighting between the two of them, but they never would have thought that y/n would cut all ties with him.

"Hey koo, it's gonna be alright. You have us." Namjoon said patting his back. Jungkook finally pulled his tear-stained face up to see all his hyungs smiling at him.

"Thank you hyungs."

End of Flashback; Present Day

It's been years since they talked to y/n. To be honest as much as they wanted to hate her for doing that to Jungkook, they knew that she wouldn't have done it without a reason.

They were nearing the end of the story when Jungkook finally walked in after finishing his shift. "Hey hyungs, hey grandma, whatcha guys talking about?" he asked curiously.

As the boys exchanged looks to decide what to tell him, Mrs. Yang spoke up. "We were talking about that kind and pretty girl that comes here every other day."

All of their eyes widened as they looked at Jungkook who was equally in shock. "She was here again..?" he asked hesitantly, and she nodded in response.

Mrs. Yang knew that Jungkook had taken an interest in her a while ago, but she did not know about their past. She saw nothing wrong with telling Jungkook what they were talking about and just walked away to clean up after saying that.

Jungkook's pov

"I missed her again, damn." I looked up to see my hyungs all looking at me with worried expressions.

"Guys, I'm fine I promise." I said through my smile, but I think they knew that I wasn't. Yes, I have always cared for her and they knew that.

"Hey kook, do you think she knows that your grandma is the one that owns the cafe?" Hobi asked. "I don't think so, she probably wouldn't have come here if she knew."

"I wonder, does she know?"

We spent the rest of the time talking about random stuff at school and other things. They were just packing up to leave until I saw something move into the alley near the cafe.

I didn't think that it was those men who tried to kill me, but something about them seemed not right. "Hyungs don't go! Please stay just a little longer." I said since I was a little worried.

They aren't used to seeing me like this so they ended up staying a little longer. "It's okay kook, wanna tell us what happened?" Namjoon asked.

I was debating on telling them what happened that night, but I guess since I'm keeping them here longer than they wanted I should tell them. They're my best friends, of course I need to tell them.

After telling them the whole story they seemed guilty. "Sorry kook we should've walked home with you." Jimin said.

"No no it's okay!" I said with a little happiness in my voice. My mind wandered to that girl who saved me that one night. "Someone saved me."

"Ooooo kook got another crush??" Jin teased again. I swear he will take any chance to tease me about my love life. "Maybe I do."

"OOOOO KOOKIE'S GOT A CRUSH, KOOKIE'S GOT A CRUSH!" they all sang. I laughed "Wow, I actually do. Hold up. Do I like two different people?"

I was in the middle of my thoughts when I heard the door opening, It was those scary men from outside.

"Stay safe you guys, it's pretty late and there won't be anyone to save you any more." the man said, and with that I got shivers down my spine. They turned around to walk out and I saw a spider tattoo on his neck, and the same tattoo on the other two men's arms.

"HOLY SHIT THAT WAS SCARY" Jin screamed. "Jin stop screaming it's late." Yoongi told him. "Did you guys see the tattoos on them?" I asked.

"Yeah, they looked like gang tattoos, maybe they belong to a gang or worse, mafia." Namjoon said. "You know, it's scary how much you know about things like that." Hobi said to him and Namjoon just shrugged.

"It's been a while since they left, get home safe you guys." I said to them. "HELL NAH WE ARE ALL SLEEPING OVER TONIGHT." Jin screamed again.

"Okay, as long as all of your parents are okay with it, Grandma doesn't really mind." I laughed back. They all ended up telling their parents that they are spending the night at my place for a school project and now we are all sleeping in the back room and behind the counter of the cafe.

"I'm okay with you boys staying the night since you don't have school tomorrow, but don't chase any of my customers away in the morning!" Grandma yelled at us.

"Okay we won't!" We all yelled back laughing.

However, I couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking about what hyungs told me earlier. "Do I actually have a crush on that girl who saved me? And if I do, do I like two different people?"

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