Chapter 8

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The Cold Mafia Queen

Part Eight

Jungkook's pov

I spent most of the night thinking about y/n and that girl who saved me. "I wonder if she has any tattoos. I didn't see any, but she was wearing a long sleeve and pants, plus her mask and hood so I couldn't really see anything."

That'd be kinda cool though. I mean she is a mafia queen so there's a chance. "I wonder what type of tattoo she would have. She seems like a badass so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a whole sleeve."

I don't know why I have such an interest in tattoos, I want to get one someday, but I think Grandma might kill me.

Suddenly my mind wandered to y/n. She used to be such an angel, her smile was so warm and I always felt butterflies whenever she would smile at me. Even when she glared at me for getting a higher test score.

"Woah. What the hell am I thinking about now?" I haven't thought of y/n in that way in a long time. She just always seemed to be cold to me these past few years.

I wonder what happened to her. We were doing so well and I actually thought I could have a future with her, but then that day happened and I got cut out of her life.

Well, maybe not completely since now I am a total ass to her. But I am trying to stay in her life, I don't want her to be alone.

I found out that both her parents passed away a few days after she snapped at me. I knew that she was secretly hurting and I didn't want to leave her alone.

After a while, I just kept being a jerk to her. It seemed to keep her mind off of things and I swear some days I can see her smiling when I teased her.

"I know you're hurting angel. Why did you have to push me away?" I never knew the real reason why she cut me out of her life, but I always suspected it was because of her parents.

Unlike me, she was very close with her parents and I can't imagine the pain she felt when she lost them. I wanted to be there for her, like she always was for me.

Flashback; 4 years ago(a year before y/n's parents death)

"Oh god what happened to your face??" I heard her voice filled with concern.

My parents were never good to me, they always used me as their slave and made me clean and cook for them. Whenever I didn't listen, they would beat me.

I was quite used to it already, and I hadn't gotten beat in a long time. But since I was working late last night in the library trying to study for the upcoming test, I came too late for their liking.

"Jungkook are you serious? They still beat you?" She asked. I nodded looking away from her.

There was nothing I hated more than looking weak in front of people, but with her I just immediately let my guard down.

She suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the nurse's office. She wasn't there, but that didn't stop y/n. She grabbed the ointment and a couple bandages and patched up my face.

"Are there any more?" She raised an eyebrow at me. I looked down, I don't want to tell her, but I can't lie to her either. "Why do you make me so weak y/n?"

She sighed and motioned for me to show her where my other injuries are. I lifted up my shirt and showed her the multiple bruises on my ribcage and arms.

"God, why do you let them do this to you?" she sighed, "They're my parents, it's not like I can run away." I replied. "Well, do you not have anywhere to go?" she questioned, still focused on my injuries.

"I mean I have my grandma, but she doesn't have much money. My parents cut her out of their life and refuse to support her." "ugh, your parents sound like assholes." she retorted back.

I chuckled a little, she always spoke her mind. "I wish I could be like you."

"I still think that with your determination you could probably find a job to help support you and your grandma. I just think you don't want to run away because you're scared of the possible things that could go wrong." she said looking into my eyes.

My heart skipped a beat, her dark eyes staring into my soul. I turned away not wanting to blush in front of her. "She's right. Why don't I run away?"

"Done. You should come over for dinner tonight." she said "I don't feel comfortable sending you home without food. Don't think I didn't notice you getting skinner."

"How does she know these things?" "okay. I'll come over, are your parents okay with it?" I asked. I don't want her get in trouble, she starting giggling "Yeah they're chill, once they hear about your situation they'll probably even want to keep you."

"They'd want me?" I've never heard of such a thing. All my life my parents called me worthless and that if I'd want to amount to anything that I need to listen and do whatever they say.

Time Skip; At y/n's House

We got to her house, it seemed so nice and cozy. Sure it was small, but I don't mind, it felt more like home than my actual house.

"Mom! Dad! I'm back!" she shouted "Ahh welcome home sweet pea, who's this with you? Oooooo is he your boyfriend?" her mom said teasing her.

"Aish no, he's just here for dinner. That's okay right?" she said smiling. "Of course care bear, what's your name young man?" her dad asked me. To be honest he looked scary but the way he spoke was so welcoming.

"Ahhh I'm Jeon Jungkook, sir." I said formally. Him and his wife started laughing, "Oh no. Did I do something wrong?" "Hun, you don't need to be so formal with us, if you're y/n's friend then just call us Auntie and Uncle, okay?" her mom said rubbing my shoulders.

I almost cried right there, "Uhh could I use the bathroom to wash up?" I asked. "Oh sure I'll show you." y/n said. She led me to the bathroom, "Let me know if you need anything, I'll be setting up the table." she smiled at me and left.

As I finished washing up, I walked out and saw them laughing around the table. Her dad was teasing her with the napkin making her jump up to reach and her mom was trying to get through them to put the food on the table.

Unknowingly a tear fell down my cheek "Oh my, Jungkook are you okay sweetie?" her mom hurried over to me to wipe my tears.

"Oh no auntie I'm fine, thank you for letting me eat here. My family isn't this cheerful so I was just overflowing with happiness to see yours." I said wiping up the rest of my tears.

She took my hand and pulled me towards y/n and uncle. They stood in front of me with smiles all on their faces.

"You're welcome here with us any time Jungkook." she said to me.

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