Chapter 5

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The Cold Mafia Queen

Part Five

Jungkook's pov

"I have to go. Stay safe okay?" she said as she waved at me. "I will. Thanks again." I said back to her.

There was something about her that was just so familiar though. The way she spoke seemed like someone I knew. I hope I get to see her again so I can properly thank her.

"Hey grandma, I'm back" I said to my grandma as I walked upstairs from the cafe. I only lived with her because I didn't have a good relationship with my parents. They are still married, but they still cheat on each other about every single day.

I never liked living with them either, they would always ask me for things like money, or just treat me like their personal slave.

One day I had enough of it and I ran away to my Grandma's house. She didn't have much, she owned a small cafe and had a small apartment above it, but to me, it was perfect. It's been about 3 years, but it's been great ever since.

Flashback; 3 years ago

In the beginning of freshman year my parents were still upset that I ran away, and tried to pull me out of school. I had nothing I could do, until one day, they just stopped. I later found a note in my locker:

"Don't worry, they won't bother you anymore. They got their money back from sending you to school. The rest of your freshman year is already paid for, but you need to find your own way to pay for school."

I was both happy and nervous because of this note, I had no idea how I was going to make money. But I was glad that I finally got my parents to leave me alone.

I ended up getting a part time job at a restaurant and at my grandma's cafe. I used to barely see customers in her cafe, and it was honestly kind of relaxing. Until the day that she walked in, she ordered the most expensive things on the menu and simply left.

"Grandma, do you know her?" I asked, still in shock. "Ahh yes. She has been coming about every other day for the past month I think. Her name is y/n and she's a very nice girl." she replied back

"why have I never seen her?" I whispered to myself, but apparently grandma heard me. "Well, since she only comes about every other day, it's usually the days you are working at the restaurant." she simply said.

"I wonder if she knows that it's my grandma?" I knew we were not on good terms, but I thought she truly didn't care about me. After all, she rejected me and told me not to ever talk to her again.

End of Flashback; Present Day

My mind wandered to those days again as I was about to fall asleep. I wonder how she's doing, she didn't come by today. Suddenly a scary thought popped into my mind.

"What if they took her before she got into the shop? And what if she ended up like how I was going to if that girl didn't save me?"

I jumped out of bed and paced around my room. I wanted to call her, or check on her or something. But I think she blocked my number and I never knew where she lived.

"I guess I just have to wait until I see her at school." Then I remembered what happened yesterday at school. I knew I shouldn't have done that to her, but I have no idea what was going through my mind. I was just so sad and angry.

To be honest, I really wanted to stay close with her. I decided that it's better to stay her enemy and still be in her life rather than slowly being forgotten by her and shut out of her life.

The Next Day; At School

I have no idea why I was at school so early, I guess I was just overly anxious. "What if she actually did get taken? Or, what if something worse happened?"

So many thoughts running through my mind, I didn't see where I was going. *crash* "Oof, what did I run into?" "Oh my goodness are you oka-" I suddenly heard. "Y/n".

"Jungkook. You should watch where you're going you know." she replied coldly. I didn't even care how cold she was. "She's okay." It felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my chest. "Oh. My bad, at least you're okay." I said before walking away, leaving her in slight shock.

Y/n's pov

"Well that was weird." he didn't yell at me or speak rudely at all today. I hope he's okay from last night. At least he didn't get taken, or worse. I don't even want to imagine what would've happened if I didn't get there when I did.

I hope something like this won't happen again. Maybe I should put some guards on duty to watch over him to make sure he's safe. "UGHHH I hate the fact that I still care about him! No. No no, I'm just worrying as an old friend. There's nothing that's going on."

Author's pov

And with that, you left to go to class. But what you didn't know was that there actually was someone watching you.

"I finally found your weakness...Black Mamba."

haha short part this time, hope it was still enjoyable!

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