Chapter 11

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The Cold Mafia Queen

Part Eleven

Jungkook's pov

"Please come with us. We work for the Black Mamba, we won't hurt you." one of the men said

"Black Mamba? That girl who saved me?" I never thought I'd ever see her again.

"Okay let's go" I said with confidence. "Kook?? What if they are dangerous?" Jin yelled at me. "You just said they were cool like 2 seconds ago!" I yelled back.

"That doesn't mean we should trust them right away!" he reasoned.

"He has a point, I don't know if they actually are affiliated with her."

"Show me the tattoo." Namjoon said calmly from the back. The men understood immediately and lifted their sleeve to show a snake tattoo on their wrist. The symbol of the Kim Group.

"They're okay you guys, let's go." Namjoon told them, since they trust him they started to go along with it.

Just then the driver starting shooting at us, "YOU WON'T GET AWAY I NEED TO BRING THEM BACK TO HANJOON"

One of the men started shooting back and got the drivers arm. "We need to hurry before the van starts losing control!" he yelled.

They quickly got all of us into the other car that had been following us. As the 2 men jumped onto the huge truck with all their motorcycles, the van started spinning and crashed into the side of the highway.

It looked like no one was injured, but I didn't really care. We were all safe now.

"Hey joon, how did you know about the tattoos?" Yoongi asked him, now that we are all driving safely.

"Just a growing interest in the mafia world, usually most gangs have a symbol, like an animal or object to represent their gang. For that Lee gang it was a spider, and for the Kim group it's the snake." Namjoon said.

I honestly wonder how he finds this stuff.

"Hey Mister, where are we going anyways?" Jimin finally spoke up, "We are going to the mansion, young sir." the man spoke.

He seems to speak really formally even if he doesn't know us. "Hah, young sir?? How old do we look to you?" he said back pretending to sound offended.

We all kinda laughed, including the man driving. "I was instructed to treat all of you with the utmost respect, if you would like me to call you anything else please just say." he responded.

"You can just call us by our names. I'm-" Tae started, "ok if that is what you would like Taehyung." he said back.

We all looked at each other in shock, "You know our names?!" Jin shouted. "Well, that is kind of my job." he said giggling a little.

"Hey what should we call you?" Tae asked excitedly. "My name is Curtis, you may call me whatever you find comfortable." he simply said.

"Hey Curtis do you have any cool tattoos like those other dudes?" Jimin barged in. "Yes I do have the Kim Group tattoo, but I don't think it looks as cool on me as it does them"

I don't know what I was expecting, but this is a nice surprise. I just didn't take him for the type to smile or be talkative, but he seems like fun.

"We are getting closer, is there anything you guys would like to know before we get there?" Curtis asked. "Why were those men after us?' namjoon immediately said.

We were all thinking about it, but had no idea how to bring it up. "Ahhh that's because they've been watching you for a while, especially Jungkook." Curtis started to explain.

"ME??" I exclaimed, I was shocked to hear this. I had no idea that I was the reason my friends are in danger too.

"Do not feel bad, it just so happened the Lee gang saw the Young Master save you that one night in the alleyway, they saw you as one of the master's weaknesses and decided to take you." He further explained.

"Wait- Kook the person who saved you that night was a mafia leader??" Hobi asked, in shock. "Yeah, you made it seem like no one special who just happened to be there." Yoongi added.

"I didn't want you guys to worry, and I didn't want to answer all these questions since I don't even know the answers." I said shrugging.

We arrived at a gate to what looked like a whole ass hotel. "Woahhh one person lives here??" Jimin asked in awe.

"Well it's not just Young Master. There are some maids and bodyguards who stay on the grounds and I live with her in the mansion." Curtis said.

Even with all that, we were in shock to see the beautiful mansion in front of us. It reminded me like one of those regal castles from fairy tales.

Walking through the front door, it all sank in. We were in a mafia's house, the interior was luxurious, it was dark, but not too dark and the furniture had touches of red and gold.

Curtis led us to a room which looked like an office, there were two couches facing each other with a black and red coffee table with gold accents in the middle.

There was also a huge desk with a big chair, guessing for Black Mamba. Even though we were taking everything in, we were still kinda scared. The place was filled with weapons, but it's a mafia house so we shouldn't be that surprised, yet we still were.

"Uhm, so Curtis, why are we here in the first place? Couldn't you have dropped us off back at the cafe?" Tae asked.

"The Young Master wanted us to bring you here for your safety. If they already tried to take you once, there's no doubt that they will try again." He said looking at his watch.

"Who even is this Young Master? He seems like a total legend." Jin said.

"He? I don't think Jin hyung knows that it was a girl who saved me. WAIT- does that mean he thought I had a crush on a dude? Just for that I'm not gonna tell and wait to see his reaction."

"Well the Kim Group is one of or even the most powerful gangs in the mafia world." Namjoon told us. "Your knowledge of the mafia is scaring me more and more today." Hobi said, staring at him. While Namjoon just chuckled and shrugged it off.

"So when do we get to meet this Young Master, you guys are making him seem like a total badass" Jin said excitedly

Suddenly the door swings open.

"Who says I have to be a dude to be a badass?"

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