Chapter 20

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The Cold Mafia Queen

Part Twenty

Author's pov

You ran to the classes they were in and gave the passes to the teachers. Once you had all of them, you sent the code that put the school in lockdown mode until you could leave.

"Is y/n okay? I've never seen her this serious before." Jin said. "I don't know, but I think it's something serious. She has her mask on again." Namjoon added, pointing to you who had your back turned to them

You were watching out to see if there was any interference to get the boys to the car. You pulled out your gun and motioned for them to follow you.

"Yeah I wouldn't ask questions just go." Hobi said, and they all followed you.

They all got into the car with no problems and the school didn't need to be on lockdown anymore.

Y/n's pov

"Fucking hell" I sighed as I finally sat down in my seat. "Curtis, let's go back to the mansion."

"Yes, young master."

I can't believe that they were there the whole time and I didn't know. "God I feel stupid!" I said as I stuffed my face in my hands.

Then I felt a hand rubbing my back, "What happened?" Jungkook asked. "Should I tell him? I don't want him to be worried."

You sighed before answering. "They were at the school and have been watching us for the past week."

"Who? The Lee gang?" Jin said. I nodded, they all gasped a little. "So they're still after us?" Tae asked worriedly.

"Sadly, yes. That's how things work in the mafia world. You don't ever stop until who you're after is either dead or silent." I said.

"Silent?" Hobi asked. "Basically another way to say dead." Namjoon answered.

"Do you need any help in catching them?" Jungkook asked with his big doe eyes.

"No, I don't want you guys getting involved in this." I said keeping my eyes on the road. I needed to plan on how I was going to find them, and quickly.

Time Skip; Back at the Mansion

I went up to my office with Curtis, and the boys went back to their rooms. "You don't emergency call me like that for nothing. What else happened?"

"We did the background research on the Lee gang members, one of the members works at the company that Jungkook's dad works at."

"Are you absolutely sure?" I asked in shock. "I really hope this isn't something I think it is." He nodded,

"Show me the picture." He showed me a picture of a woman, and I immediately knew who it was.

"That's his dad's girlfriend." I whispered to myself. "No. It can't be."

"Young master? Are you okay?" Curtis said to me, snapping me back to reality. "You said it's who's girlfriend?"

Flashback; 3 years ago

"Hey koo, are you coming to dinner tonight?" I asked him over the phone.

"I don't think so, my dad's girlfriend is here and won't let me leave."

"Should we come pick you up?"

"No, she's not normal, she's frickin evil. Just stay home I'm fine- (JUNGKOOK~!)"

I heard her voice over the phone right before he hung up. "Oh god, I am going"

"Mom! Dad! Let's go pick up Koo!" I yelled going down the stairs to the outside.

"Should we bring the guns?!" My mom yelled, "Yeah! Is he in trouble??" My dad followed

"Yeah maybe let's go!"

We got in the car, and we drove over to Jungkook's house. My parents treat him as their own son, and I care about him a lot too.

I told them to hide the weapons and stay in the car, I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

"And you are?" A woman said, I knew that she wasn't Junkook's mom, "One of Jungkook's friends, he promised that he'd come over to finish a project we are working on."

She looked down on me like she was the most powerful woman in the world. "Ugh I want to slap her."

"Well, I'm not allowing him to leave, so you can just go along." She said in a snotty voice.

"I mean I can, but when his dad finds out that he failed this project I'm sure going to make sure he knows that it's your fault." I snapped back while smiling.

I was about to walk away until she stopped me, "Wait! You can take him with you, not like I care anyways." she rolled her eyes.

"Ok! I'll go get him, I get the feeling he doesn't want to listen to you." I said, looking at her up and down before smiling, going to Jungkook's room.

I knocked on the door, and I could hear him yelling. "How many times do I have to tell you that I am not listening to you!! Just because you're dating my dad, doesn't make you my mom!"

I opened the door, seeing him balled up in a corner of his room. "I didn't say you could come in!"

"Well I thought I'd be welcome." I said back.

He immediately turned around with a huge smile on his face, "Y/n?!" 

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