Chapter 12: Adjusting

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["Queue the heart palpitations and sweaty palms." ]


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The rest of the night went smoothly after the wonderful chat between Embry and me. The atmosphere of the house seemed calmer and overall much more relaxed. As if the flood gates had opened as an enormous waterfall of doom but were now only a steady stream of the insanity once held within. It was manageable and certain. Exactly how things were supposed to be.

On the other hand, the next day was a different type of shit show in of itself. Especially considering Sam had to teach Embry how to shift back and forth without ending up bare-ass on the ground.

Thankfully, the rest of the pack (including me) weren't allowed to be around, so there wasn't as much pressure. It made sense but stressed me out. I wanted to be there for him, but the whole imprint thing probably would've made it awkward and a lot harder to concentrate, particularly if he had ended up naked in front of me again. I didn't understand how I'd managed not to freak out the first time. I was too worried about him to focus on something like that. But now that I was aware of it, I was trembling at the thought.


I was exhausted. My body felt like it had been pushed to the limit, except I could continue on and on without faltering one bit. It was mystifying. Being this beast of nature brought so many new sensations I never knew I had. Overwhelmed was an understatement, to say the least.

I phased back to human and landed on the ground as naked as a newborn. I was over being embarrassed after the sixth time. It seemed Sam didn't really care, so I, in turn, began to think the same way. "Ugh! How many more times will I have to do this until I get it right?" I questioned angrily.

"As many as it takes. It's different for everyone."

"How long did it take for Casey to get it?" I asked quickly.

"Less time than me, but much longer than Jared. He got it down the quickest." Sam explained.

"How long did it take you?"

"Well, considering I was stuck as a wolf for a week after I phased for the first time, a lot longer than you. That is something I'm sure of." He continued.

"Wait, you got stuck as a wolf?" I didn't like the idea of that. Being stuck in a form you barely understood would be a nightmare. At least I could change back.

"Yeah, well, I thought I was going crazy. I had no clue on how to calm myself down enough to phase back. Now I do."

"How did you figure it out."

"Well, at that point, I began to find a sense of inner peace with my wolf--an alliance of sorts. I had been fighting to change back to a human, yet pushing away a part of me that was equally as important, therefore making everything about me unbalanced. Once I came to terms with what I was, it got easier. I woke up butt-naked on the ground the morning after I finally gave up the fight and accepted my wolf as a part of me."

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