Chapter 15: Primal

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['Oh, shit! Fuck! I don't have brakes!' I warned, and before the others could turn around, I crashed into them like bowling pins.]


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'Swing right!' I said to myself as I watched Embry and Paul duel for the third and final fight. Embry was doing much better than I was at this point. But then again, that was just how he was, always good at everything.

'Casey, he has to figure it out for himself.' Sam reprimanded me.

'Sorry.' I mumbled. It felt like I was watching a football game in a library. I wanted to shout out plays, but I had to stay quiet.

'It's okay, Case. Your boyfriend is tougher than he looks.' Jared remarked from beside me. I take back what I said about Paul earlier; I was gonna kick both their asses later for talking shit.

'Shut up, Jared!' I shoved him for that comment. I knew full well Embry heard it by the way his movements faltered, giving Paul the upper hand. Paul swiftly took this time to push Em into a tree.

'Don't get distracted, Embry.' Sam advised as Em regained his bearings after that snide comment from Jared. He was quiet, too quiet. I didn't like how I couldn't read him as effortlessly as everyone else. Then again, why would it ever be that easy? It was never simple when it came to Embry, well, when it came to either of us, really.

'See, look at what you did, asshole!' I barked at Jared, to which he only responded with a laugh.

His response triggered something within me I'd never felt before. A low, threatening growl rumbled from the pit of my chest, and I fought the sudden urge to pounce on Jared. My stature straightened out so that I stood tall and unwavering. My actions were surprising, both to Jared and me. 'Cut it out!' I snarled aggressively enough for Jared to back up with a concerned expression I'd never seen him give me before. One he'd only ever responded with to Sam when he was being told off.

Jared's eyes widened. "Okay, okay, jeez! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You don't have to get all primal with me!"

"Casey!" Sam cut in. "Relax!"

I let out a mixture of a groan and a huff and reluctantly backed down, stepping aside from Jared.

Although, Jared didn't seem as keen to straighten his submissive stance to how he was just moments before. Even with a goofy, yet nervous grin on his face, he continued to make himself small. As if he was too afraid that him standing up would piss me off somehow. I didn't understand his actions, and the sunken feeling in my chest returned. He was making me anxious, so I returned my attention back to Embry and Paul to try and forget the odd exchange.

Em glanced at me, his eyes holding an emotion I couldn't recognize; fear, maybe concern. I couldn't quite tell considering how quick it was. And without stuttering he seemed to regain his focus, turning his previous embarrassment into adrenaline as he tackled Paul out of frustration.

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