Chapter 2: Falling

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[I was left hovering over him, face to face. So close our noses could touch. "I-I, uh . . ."]


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"Run, run, run!" The thoughts ran rampant in my head as the familiar sensation of fear consumed me. My feet were bare, leaving me more than vulnerable to the elements. I was in the forest, at least I think I was. There were plenty of trees towering over me, and the dirt clinging to my feet told me that my deduction was right, but I didn't care. That wasn't what I was focused on. They were right behind me. If I'd stopped, I would've been more than dead; I would've been dog chow, literally.

Wolves, three horse-sized wolves, were chasing me. Their largeness aside, they weren't like the typical timber wolf you'd see in La Push. They were wispy and yellow and gave off a translucent glow. They were like ghosts haunting me with their flaxen eyes and overly sharpened jaws. It was more than horrifying.

And worst of all, I knew I'd been here before, and it was a situation I had grown less than accustomed to. Yet, I could never remember how it ended or how it began; it just existed.
I would get away from them. I knew that even if the outcome was less than certain, I would get away. I had to. I had to.

A ghoulish snarl emitted from behind me. It rumbled in my chest like thunder. My breathing quickened as I continued to make my way through the forest.

'Go, Casey, go!' My voice echoed in my head. 'They're going to kill you, run!'
Forward, I had to go forward! Anywhere but back. 'Don't look at them, eyes front, don't look at them!' I knew that if I turned around, I would slow down, and slowing down wasn't an option with supernatural wolves chasing after you.

I fled, dodging and weaving as best I could. Everything around me was a blur. The trees blended into green blobs as I ran for my life. But then it stopped. The echoing beats of the wolves' paws against the dirt ceased.

I stood deadly still. I was afraid to move: to breathe, to exist. Fight or flight wasn't the only fear response you had. People always forgot about the third option, the one where you froze.

I squeezed my eyes together tightly. Hoping that I would wake up from this nightmare and go back to my everyday life. To the world I was supposed to be in. Not this mess, not this haggard mess.

A shrill scream rang out, reverberating against the tall trees of the forest. It sent chills up my spine. I knew who the voice belonged to. It was Jessie. I forced myself to turn around, and the wolves were no longer focused on me but instead began circling in on my sister. "Jessie!" I yelled.

Her brown eyes were wide with terror. They frantically turned to me. "Casey!" She screamed once she caught sight of me.

I paused and tried to think. She let out another terrified scream as they closed in. I looked back up again. "No, stop! Get away from her!" I tried to move, but my body refused.

The Wolves Of TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now