Chapter 18: Spilt Tea

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["I felt his words glide across my skin and send chills down my spine."]


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I didn't go home that night. I couldn't bring myself to face Jessie again. Not after my mental breakdown. I was too exhausted to deal with it. I couldn't even talk to anyone after what happened, not even Embry. But he didn't push me to speak. It was like he knew how brittle I was, a house of cards barely standing. He refused to let go of me as if letting go would risk me floating away. His hands held firm; he wanted to make sure I knew I wasn't alone, that he was there to support me. I appreciated it.

We drifted silently through the woods that afternoon. I didn't pay attention to where we were going, I just let Embry guide me. I followed along; an obedient dog without question. The next thing I knew, we were at Sam's place and Embry was speaking to Sam. Although I didn't register the content of the conversation between them, I just stared off tiredly.

Em's warm hands ushered me inside the guest bedroom. I slumped onto the soft blankets. The top quilt was hand-made, and figures of wolves were stitched expertly within the colorful cloths. I felt comfortable and I was relieved to be in a place to breathe, anywhere that didn't involve arguing or added stress was more than welcomed.

I peered at the hardwood flooring, hyper-fixating on the grains engraved within. But I was forced out of my trance by the gentle movement of Embry's fingers grazing my tear-ridden cheeks, and for the first time that day, the overwhelming heartache was erased. The only thing left was warmth and love resonating from the company of Embry. He had me wrapped around his finger tighter than a snake constricting its prey. I wouldn't have it any other way.

My eyes darted upwards as he stood in front of me. He seemed to assess my features to see if the worst was over. I believed it was. The sweet indulgence of Em's presence made that true. In a way, I almost felt relieved to finally let out all of my pent-up emotions. The weight didn't feel as crushing as it once was. The only significant emotions that troubled me now were the ones concerning Embry.

Em mustered a tight-lipped smile in an attempt to relax me before his voice finally broke the silence between us.

"Just relax and rest, you deserve it. I'm going to take your patrol tonight, okay? Sam said you can stay here for tonight, and for as long as you need to escape the stuff happening at home. You have nothing else to worry about right now, I promise. Once I'm done on patrol, I'll come right back here. I'm gonna stay the night, so you won't be alone. You don't ever have to feel alone again." His thumb gently caressed my cheek, and I could've sworn his breath hitched at his own actions. I loved it.

Without another word, I jumped to my feet and wrapped my arms around Embry with so much yearning. I needed him. I wanted him. And, I was lucky to have him care about me.

Embry was slightly startled by my actions but quickly reciprocated my embrace.

"Em?" My voice was hoarse but quiet and much steadier than earlier.

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