Author's Note: Update!

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Hey, everyone. I, again, apologize for the delay in posting my chapters. From last summer to the present I've unfortunately suffered many losses in my family on top of my health issues and work load at university.

It has been a physically, mentally, and emotionally draining year and it's been difficult to try and get chapters out to you all. So, for that, I apologize. I am trying to write when I can but know I'll definitely be able to post more frequently during the summer.

So, I know it may seem like I've given up on writing this story, but I am still very much looking forward to finishing this story, no matter how long it takes for me to get to that point.

I just want to say thank you for all your patience and funny comments! You all never fail to make me laugh. You all help me continue to write and I appreciate you all so much!

So, I just wanted to give you all that little bit of information for right now. Once again, thank you, my lovelies, for everything!!

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