Chapter 7: On The Run

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['A shift? Like phasing? Like turning into a fucking wolf?! Is that what you're talking about?']

['A shift? Like phasing? Like turning into a fucking wolf?! Is that what you're talking about?']

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I ran as fast as I could, bobbing and weaving in between the trees. I knew this forest like the back of my hand. But the problem was I had no idea where I was going. There was no thought process. All I knew was that I just had to go.

'Oh my god! Oh my god. Oh my god!' I said to myself as I ran. 'I'm dreaming. No, I've been drugged. Yeah, that's it. I'm fucking hallucinating.'

'You're not hallucinating.' A silver wolf appeared next to me.

'What the fuck?!' I jumped at the sudden conversation happening in my head.

'Calm down. It's not as bad as you think. Kinda awesome, actually.' Jared came up on the other side of me. His fur was a lot darker than Paul's. It was mostly just one deep color of mixed brown and grey, while Paul's had different shades of silver and grey across his body. It made it easy to distinguish between the two.

'Get out of my head!' I ordered them and continued to bolt. I realized now where my body was taking me. I was running to the beach, the place that made me feel the calmest.

'Cut him off!' A new voice entered my head. 'We're getting too close to the shoreline! Somebody could see him!'

And with those words, it finally occurred to me. One, running wasn't going to solve anything. And, two, if someone saw me like this, things would not end well. So, to put it simply, I stopped.

'Whoa! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Oomph!' Jared, the dark grey and brown wolf, crashed into me. I saw stars for a moment and growled without thinking. 'Sorry, dude!' Jared apologized.

Another strange thing was his voice, all of their voices. I could hear them in my head, and they were all speaking to me like we were human. Yet, at the same time, their mouths didn't move. It was as if their thoughts were being directly transmitted into my brain and mine to theirs. It was really fucking weird.

'Give him some space.' An authoritative voice ordered. Immediately, I knew it was Sam. A black wolf emerged from the trees behind the others. He was much bigger than they were and somehow made me believe he was more experienced too. He just gave off a vibe like an older brother trying to look out for me. The confidence in his walk up to me was intimidating. Yet, at the same time, almost comforting. As if I didn't have to go through this alone.

I couldn't help but back away from them. I was overwhelmed by every new sensation bombarding me. From the impressive hearing to my mind-blowing sense of smell, it was understandable why my brain felt like it was overstimulated to the max.

'Oh, this can not be happening.' I said to myself.

'Relax, Casey. We're not gonna hurt you.' Sam promised.

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