Chapter 3: Bella Swan

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["Hm, it would be a shame if we told her every embarrassing story about Jake." My grin grew wider.]


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I was running again. Everything was the same. The woods, the wolves, the whole thing, just as it was the previous nights before.

As I sprinted, many thoughts ran through my head, most were dumb plans that I knew wouldn't work, but I was trying to think up more anyway. How cliché was this? I was going to die like one of those dumb blondes in every cheesy horror movie. This was it. I was through. Goodbye, cruel world. I hope you're happy. All I wanted to do was not die before I graduated, but it seemed life had other plans. Why did I always have to be so unlucky?

A ferocious growl shook me from my pity party and brought my attention to the wolves standing about four yards in front of me. I was perplexed. The last time I checked, they were behind me. I guess the dream realm had its own set of rules to go by. Realism wasn't a thing in this world.

I started to back up, one small step at a time. Again, I was trying not to make any sudden movements. This felt too real to make any stupid mistakes.

Their teeth were white and pointed. In all of my previous studies of wolves, I didn't remember their fangs being that pointy. Well, maybe they'd go straight for the jugular and kill me quickly, done and over with. Simple as that. No, let's face the facts. When had my luck ever been that good? Even in my previous dreams, my death was never that quick.

The illumination of each wolf started to shine brightly as they melted from their original shapes. Orbs of light from each wolf-shaped blob started to reorganize themselves as a whole new being altogether.

They morphed into a person. At least, I think that's what they were. I strained my eyes in the darkness to try to get a better look. But it seemed that whatever glow that radiated off of the creature before had subsided. And now, I was staring at a shadow.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to think. The only thing running through my mind was, 'please don't kill me, and if you do, please make it quick.' What was happening? Why were they waiting? Why hadn't they killed me yet?

That was when my voice suddenly came to me. "What do you want?" I hissed. Though, it sounded more like a choked cry of desperation.

The shadow gradually outstretched its arm and brought it upwards so that only its hand could be seen in the moonlight. It was pointing at me.

'Very specific.' I thought. 'Like I hadn't figured that one out.' Sarcasm aside, I didn't know what to do with that information.

"Why?" I questioned. I knew that I probably wouldn't get any more information other than teeth sinking into my skin, but it was worth a shot, right?

That was when the dark figure stepped out from behind the curtain of darkness and showed me its face, or as I should say, my face. It was me. It was me! Now the only thought going through my mind was, 'what the actual fuck is going on?' But somehow, I felt that saying those words out loud would only get me into more trouble. It seemed I'd dug my grave deep enough. There was no need to dig any further.

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