Chapter 10: Embry

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[I wanted to make it all go away; take the pain for him. Let me suffer, not him, not Embry. I would've done anything to make it stop.]


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The answer to your question is yes. Things would only get worse.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me." Surprisingly, those were Sam's words, not mine. I was too shocked to speak. Not only did I imprint on Embry, but he was now phasing as well. By the end of this, I would be a dead man, or wolf, or shapeshifter (whatever tickles your fancy).

"I wish I were joking," Paul said, annoyed. "Today has been a never-ending shit storm."

His statement was very accurate. Things were only worsening by the second. It had been one thing after the next, and I wasn't sure if I could take it much longer. But the continuous build of my adrenaline after Paul uttered those words sky-rocketed. I felt like I was about to burst.

Sam sighed. "Alright, let's go before he fully phas--"

"Ah!" I hissed and grabbed my head. It was as if someone had suddenly slapped me with a hot iron and was repeatedly dragging it across my skull.

Paul and Sam looked at me worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Sam questioned.

"H-he needs help!" I had to get to him; I had to get to him now! Without listening to my pack's questions, I pushed my way outside. As much as my body retaliated against the idea, I changed into my wolf form anyway. And without a second thought, I bolted as quickly as I could to Embry's house and ignored the pain in my shoulder as I sprinted. Embry was more important than that, more important than anything.

"Here we go again," Paul complained before he and Sam phased and followed suit. They zoomed up beside me and flanked my sides.

I let out another yelp. It felt like my head was about to pop off, and my chest was about to explode. All in all, it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

'Whoa, slow down!' Sam advised. 'You're gonna hurt yourself!' He paused. 'Well, hurt yourself more!'

'I'm fine!' I grunted. I needed to be there with him. I wouldn't let him go through this alone. I hissed out another wince after those words, proving how incorrect my declaration was.

'What's going on with you?' Paul asked me.

'I don't know! I-I think I can feel his pain!' I said and ran faster. 'We have to hurry!'

'Jared's already there.' Paul said. 'He's not alone.'

'How did we not realize he was shifting sooner?' I asked.

'Sometimes, it's uncertain. Jared's phase happened, and he barely had symptoms other than a fever. It's different for everyone. Yours was very clear. I guess Embry's wasn't.' Sam figured.

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