Chapter 19: Problematic

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["Are you kidding? Jared doesn't even chew his food. The man unhinges his jaw like a snake and swallows it whole."]


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It'd been two weeks since Jacob shifted, and he was finally starting to fit into the group. I'd say he had a harder time integrating himself into the pack compared to me and Embry. But, in all honesty, I think that was mostly due to how thick-headed he was. Jacob was one to easily butt heads with, especially with Paul. Plus, his obsession with Bella Swan didn't make the transition any easier.

Bella wasn't exactly thrilled about Jacob's sudden absence either. I did sympathize with the girl. She felt isolated. The Cullens abandoned her, and now her best friend was suddenly M.I.A.

Bella called him daily and even tried to write him letters, but Jake didn't respond; he couldn't. If he did, he would've dug into a hole he couldn't escape from. What I mean by that is Jake had a big mouth, if you hadn't noticed, and boy, did he let the world know it, and well, Bella Swan, too.

At one point, Bella stopped by Jake's house, which only opened a whole new can of worms because Jacob just so happened to be there. Now, you might be wondering how this situation could've gone. Maybe it was similar to Jessie and I's arguments after I phased, but if you thought that then, ha, you were wrong. Very, very wrong.

Jake wasn't handling the whole Bella-no-talky thing very well. Which, in turn, made his anger a problem. And so, he chose to redirect those frustrations. To put it plainly, most of the pack disliked the Cullens for the simple fact of them being vampires. But Jacob had a seething hatred towards them, mostly Edward. As if it wasn't already abundantly clear, Jake had feelings for Bella. Wow, shocker, I know. But now that Jake knew Edward was a vampire, our alleged sworn enemy, it just gave him a "legitimate" reason to despise him. This is what led to the situation that occurred when Bella decided to give Jake an unexpected visit the other day. This is when Jake took it upon himself to blatantly out the Cullens for being vampires when he told Bella they couldn't be friends anymore. Jacob could be such a dumbass sometimes.

That's literally one of the rules on the treaty made between the pack and the Cullens. This kid had barely been a wolf for half a month and he was already trying to start a war. Sam gave him an earful for that one. He was just lucky Bella already knew about the Cullen's deep dark secret because if it had been someone who didn't know, that would've been really bad.

But anyway, I digress.

Jessie got used to me not talking to her as much and she no longer questioned me. Though, she did have a few words to say when she noticed Jacob hanging with us. That wasn't pretty. Oh, and by the way, no, at this point Paul hadn't talked to her yet. But, he did patrol around the house every night to make sure she was okay. Some might think his actions endearing, but I found them to be territorial. Then again, I was her brother. I had a right to be protective.

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