Chapter 14: Transgression

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["As crazy as this sounded in my head, out loud, and generally, I think Casey was checking me out."]


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The hot cocoa tasted better than usual for the rest of the week. I attributed that to the talk Embry, and I had. Everything was fine; everything would be fine. That was if my idiotic emotions didn't get the best of me. That, alongside the heart attack I experienced after seeing Embry's new hairstyle for the first time.

It was Sam's idea. He said he cut his because of how hot he was after his first phase. It added more unwanted heat, so he chopped it off to make things a little cooler. Well, as cool as you could get with an above-average body temperature.

"Do you hate it?" Embry frowned at my expression. Little did he know I wasn't sure what to think with the whirlwind of problematic notions going through my head.

It had been almost a week since I imprinted on him, and things weren't getting any easier. If anything, things only got more overbearing between having random boners at the worst times possible and a brain that didn't work well under pressure. Or, more specifically, this kind of pressure. I'd never felt the way I did about anyone before Embry, so I wasn't really sure how to go about mentally handling it.

I could hear Paul and Jared snicker to themselves off to the side.

"Wha-what? No! It looks great!" I shot him a goofy thumbs-up, then cringed at my gaucherie actions.

Em responded with a laugh as he touched the short locks dangling across his forehead. "A thumbs-up, huh? That must really mean it's bad."

"Of course, it isn't bad! I'm an amazing hairdresser! My mom taught me everything I know." Emily squeezed Embry's shoulders reassuringly as she put her scissors away.

"You look fine. You should've seen Jared's tangled rat's nest before Emily worked her magic." Paul declared.

"Hey! I looked fine with my hair long." Jared opposed with a grumpy expression.

"Tell that to a mirror."

I ignored their bantering as my stare continued across Embry's sharp features allowing me to take in the full extent of his looks. He'd changed, or maybe this new haircut was reimaging the initial picture of him in my head. I had finally noticed him, really noticed him.

He seemed older, more defined, but his skin tone was still just as tan as always. His nose was slightly turned downward. His round face was accentuated with cheekbones that were high and pronounced, accompanying a firm and jagged jawline. New bangs swayed just slightly as he moved, framing his appearance in a way that made every other feature stick out that much more. My insides became gooey as I melted into a puddle. I could feel my already warm body heat up that much more. With Em, I was a goner. I always had been, and I always would be.

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