Chapter 20: The Flames

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[The fire light that flickered across his face made his eyes glow like hot embers. I wanted to stare at how the flames danced in them,]

 I wanted to stare at how the flames danced in them,]

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The shitstorm erupted in the shape of none other than the notorious Bella Swan as she marched out of Billy's house in a confrontational manner. I couldn't help but begin to panic at the sight of her seething anger; it reminded me too much of Jessie.

"What did you do?!" Bella stomped up to Sam and shoved him. "What did you do to him?!"

"Whoa," Jared remarked.

We were all shocked by her sudden actions, which made Paul lurch forward on instinct. "Hey, easy!" Sam commanded making him stand still. How Sam managed to stay so calm in situations like these was beyond me.

"He didn't want this!" She continued. "So, you did something to him!"

"What did we do?" Paul growled. "What did he tell you?"

"Calm down!" Sam grabbed Paul by the arm and pulled him back.

"Dude, chill." Jared tried to calm his friend to no avail.

"Nothing! He tells me nothing because he's scared of you." She said to which I snorted at her choice of words. That couldn't have been further from the truth.


It seemed Casey's actions caught Bella's attention because she then turned to him, ready to fight. "You!" She jabbed a finger in his direction and I sensed Casey's panic begin to grow. "You're his family, and you abandoned him! You left him and Jessie wondering what the hell happened to you! And now that you fell off the boat you dragged him down with you!" She pushed him whole-heartedly. Of course, her actions barely impacted him physically, but mentally, I could tell her words stung him deeply and I wasn't going to let that slide.

"You don't know anything!" I growled, stepping in front of him defensively. I felt the wolf inside me trying to claw its way out. The anger a shapeshifter experiences is a thousand times that of a normal person. Everything becomes amplified, and so much harder to keep yourself under control. I wasn't going to allow Bella, or anyone for that matter, berate Casey like this. He didn't deserve it, he never deserved it.

In one swift motion, all of my anger dissipated at the gentle, but firm grip of Casey's hand on mine. "Em, don't." He warned. "It's okay." He said quietly. His eyes silently thanked me.

"You're right. I don't know." She shook her head dissapprovingly, "but you sure as hell deserve to tell Jessie why you don't talk to her!"

"Leave Jessie out of this!" Surprisingly, that wasn't Casey's voice, before he could even respond to Bella, Paul had stepped in and to say he was fuming would be an understatement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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