Chapter 5: The Hard Truth

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["No, Embry. I am your best friend. No matter what happens, we're in this 'til the bitter end. Do you understand?"]

 Do you understand?"]

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After the scene I made during lunch, I was forced to stay home the next day, though I wasn't complaining. My head felt like it had been smashed in with a hammer, and my body was sore beyond belief. Everything felt clouded and humid even though my fan was cranked at full speed. It was relatively cool in my room, yet I couldn't help but sense the dampness of drizzled sweat on me. I had a fever, which was only one of the minor inconveniences I would deal with today.

I couldn't recall much of what happened yesterday, but I briefly remembered the feeling of warm, smooth hands across my skin. One's that weren't dainty and frigid like my mother, but instead solid and tangible like whoever those hands belonged to were the only thing gripping me to this world. That allowed my head to stay above the blackened ocean of my unconscious.

I bobbled in and out of the darkness, allowing myself to see the fear-stricken faces of my friends speaking to me. Yet, their efforts were futile; I couldn't hear a damn thing. Well, other than the tremendous pulsing of my heartbeat in my ears. It was almost like a drum--a low and steady beat. As if the songs of my ancestors flowed through my veins and fueled the very rhythm of my heart clench after clench. It was strange and abnormal, yet I didn't have the energy or willpower to think about it further. I just wanted to rest. To sleep; to be at peace.

And I was (at peace, I mean) once I saw his face. His eyes were worried and wild, but somehow they brought me so much relief. For a moment, it silenced the drumming, and all I could focus on was him.

It was at that moment I realized who the hands belonged to; I wasn't very surprised. Embry had clasped my face tightly, saying my name as he did. I could read his lips only because I'd seen people contort their mouths in that manner all of my life. My name, he was saying my name.

I then started to succumb to the profound alleviation of my body. I was sinking, yet I wasn't afraid. I felt safe. Safe in his presence, safe in his grasp. He always made me feel like everything was going to be okay, and I was grateful. Truly grateful.

I laid in bed with my eyes closed, wondering how the hell I managed to get myself so sick. I couldn't sleep; I felt too hot and uncomfortable. So instead, I just relished the peace. Only my mother was home. Everyone else was out and about at school or work, so the house was eerily silent.

The sound of someone entering my room made my eyes spring open. "Hey baby, how do you feel?"

"Like I'm on cloud nine," I responded and tried to sit up. A ping of pain surged through me as my head continued to pulsate. I let out a wince and laid back down. I knew I wasn't going to win this fight.

"Hey, just lay down, okay? You need to rest." She pulled out a small container. I could smell the sweet scent even with the lid closed. "Luna baked some cookies to make you feel better."

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