Chapter 21: Defined By Nothing But Pride

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Something is bugging him.

Something is on his mind, and that much I’m certain about. 

You see, I know Jonathan Toews all too well to mistake this situation for anything else.

It’s Saturday, May 10.

The Blackhawks are all currently on the airplane, flying out to Colorado for game six which is tomorrow.

Most of the guys are completely passed out, as none of us got enough sleep last night.

We were all out at Seabs’ house until about 3:30 in the morning.

Ally, Jonathan, and I didn’t back to the apartment until 4:30 in the morning, and then Jonny and I had to get up at 8:00 to leave for the airport.

Despite having to wake up so early, we had an unreal night.

Seriously though, it was one of the sickest nights I’ve had in a while.

The Blackhawks played extremely well on Friday night, pulling out a sweet win.

A well-needed win, at that.

In saying that, all of us are exhausted from a tiring game, and then a late night.

But, I am unable to sleep.

Everyone else is passed out, except for Jonathan and I.

He’s sitting two seats over from me, next to the window, which is where he always sits on planes.

He sits there, looking out the window, lost in the sky, intrigued by his thoughts.

Every single time.

But this time, it’s different.

He’s fidgeting, and he looks worried or nervous because of something.

Something that I can’t place.

He looks as if he wants to ask me something, but he can’t find the words to speak.

And in all honesty, it’s bugging me.

So, I decide to ask him what’s up.

“Jonathan, what’s up?” I ask, bluntly, looking over to him.

He quickly looks over to me, his dark brown eyes wide with concern.

“What do you mean?” He asks nervously, fidgeting with his hands.

“Something is clearly bugging you bud. There is something on your mind, and I want to know what it is.” I say, crossing my arms.

He shifts awkwardly.

He sighs deeply, and then opens his mouth to speak.

“Ally and I...” He starts, looking extremely uncomfortable.

“You what?” I ask, curiously.

“We... Well, we have been getting a little more serious. We sort of cuddle a lot, and we just spend a lot more time together.” He says, nervously.

“Yeah, I can tell,” I roll my eyes, laughing.

“So, what’s your point?” I ask.

“Well, I was thinking...” He sighs, unsure of how to say what he wants to.

“I was thinking I should ask her to be... you know,” He says, trailing off.

“Your... girlfriend?” I ask, smiling.

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