Chapter 41: Spiraling Struggles

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I throw on my Bulls volleyball dri-fit shirt that has my last name and my number on it.

It's definitely one of my favorite shirts.

It's a three-quarter sleeve, and it's extremely comfortable.

It's Wednesday, July 30, at about 10:30 in the morning.

Jonathan and I have already gone down for breakfast, and afterwards, we both head upstairs to get ready for the day.

We aren't quite sure what we are doing today, but I decided that I should at least get changed.

The past few days have been really nice.

Hanging out with Jonathan and my parents all together has been really amazing.

I've really gotten to see them bond over the past few days, and it's been great.

The only negative things about the past few days have been of course, Lilly, who is a disaster, and running into Jake.

Jesus, that was so unexpected.

I just lost control of my emotions.

But I won't lie, it was so fulfilling to see Jonathan become extremely protective and defensive over me.

It was adorable.

I'm so glad I have him. I truly do not know what I would do without him.

Another negative thing, is that I've been feeling slightly nauseous the past few days.

It hasn't been too bad, but I've just felt like throwing up a few times.

My appetite hasn't been great, and I haven't been feeling one-hundred percent.

It's only been going on a few days, but, still, it's not going away.

I finish getting changed, and then head downstairs and out to the pool.

Jonathan, and both my parents are sitting out there, enjoying the sun and laughing about something.

I walk over to them, and join them on the patio furniture, that is positioned around the pool.

"Hey hun." My mom smiles.

"Hey mom." I smile back, sitting right next to Jonathan.

Our legs are touching.

I love his touch.

The four of us converse about normal things; the weather, sports, hockey, and even Patrick Kane.

Both of my parents are curious to know how he's been doing.

We talk for about twenty minutes, when I suddenly feel a solid wave of nausea swoop over me.

It hits me hard.

I swallow, closing my eyes, trying to get rid of the discomfort.

It's not going away.

I feel extremely light-headed.

"I'll... be right back." I stutter, getting up suddenly.

I slowly make my way over to the door, into the house, and force myself to head upstairs.

I arrive upstairs, heading straight to my room.

I shut the door behind me, and lean back against it.

This is awful.

This sudden wave won't stop.

I grab my phone that is sitting on my bed, and open up to the calendar.

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