Chapter 59: Short Walks & Teardrops

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"I'll get it!" Patrick calls as he makes his way down the stairs.

I look up and see Patrick jogging down the stairs wearing a backwards flat brim hat, a grey v-neck, and jeans. His loose curls escape the brim of his hat.

Someone has just knocked on the apartment door, and apparently Pat is pretty excited to get to the door.  

Pat races past me, and opens the front door, looking calm and composed.


Of course.

"Hey Abigail," Pat says, smiling.

"Hey Pat." She giggles.

The two of them embrace in a hug, and I glance over at Jonathan with a small smile on my face.

He looks down and smiles.

It's Friday, December 19, about 6:00 in the evening.

Pat, Jonathan, and I just hung out for most of the day, once the boys returned from a long practice this morning.

Right now, Jonathan and I are cuddled up on the couch, watching sports highlights.

Last night was amazing.

All of it.

The game, the Hawks win, the part where Jonathan made me his own...

All of it.

God, I missed Jonathan's sex.

Honestly, it felt incredible to have sex with him again.

"Hey Jonathan, hey Ally." Abigail smiles, as she makes her way into the apartment, next to Pat.

According to Jonathan, Abigail has been around a lot.

Abigail and Patrick don't live together yet, but as of lately, she's basically been living at the apartment.

I believe it, too.

Jonathan says he finally found out what Pat must have felt like this entire summer, because Jonny has been third-wheeling it whenever Abigail has been around.

I laughed when he told me that, of course.

"Hey Abigail." I smile, waving.

Jonathan smiles and waves at Abigail.

Pat and Abigail collapse on the other side of the couch, and begin cuddling up together, similar to the way Jonathan and I are.

My knees are tucked up to my chest, and my arms are wrapped around Jonathan, my right hand placed over his right peck.

Abigail and Pat cuddle up in almost the exact same way, on the other side of the couch.

I swallow hard.

Is this awkward?

Maybe Jonathan and I should leave them some privacy for the evening...

It's the least we can do after we made Patrick third-wheel it all summer.

I clear my throat.

"Jonathan, do you want to go for walk? I guess we should give Pat and Abigail some privacy..." I start, looking up at Jonathan's jawline.

His eyes flutter over to mine, and he smiles.

He squeezes my hand before nodding.

"See you guys in a bit." I say to Pat and Abigail as Jonathan and I make our way to the door.

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