Chapter 42: Your Hands Are Mine to Hold

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I draw circles on the back of Jonathan's hand with my thumb.

He holds my other hand in his.

I've always hated the sterilized smell of doctor's offices, dentist offices, and hospitals.

Funny for someone who is in medical school, I know.

But right now, I'm beyond nervous.

The butterflies in my stomach are intense.

And they aren't the beautiful kind.

If I am pregnant, butterflies aren't the only thing that are in my stomach...

I shake my head out of my thoughts.

Don't think about it.

It's Thursday, July 31, at about 11:30 in the morning.

Jonathan and I had gone to the nearest doctor's office to my house, and decided that we would try and get a drop-in appointment.

We told my parents we were simply going on a drive.

Thankfully, when we got here, they had an open spot for a quick pregnancy-check at around 11:30. We have only been waiting about ten minutes, so that's not bad at all.

We are in the waiting room, and my nerves refuse to settle.

Jonathan's hands are strong and steady. Mine are shaky and weak.

I know he's nervous.

His reaction to the news proved that.

But of course, he is still remaining strong, for me.

There are a few other people in the waiting room, but no one else looks as concerned or worried as I do right now.

Right then, a female doctor wearing a skirt and a nice golden top comes out into the waiting room.

She has shoulder-length blonde hair, and looks as if she's in her early thirty's.

"Ally Summers?" She says, reading off of a clipboard.

I turn my gaze to Jonathan, and the glimmer in his eye is prominent.

He nods, and then the two of us get up, making our way over to the doctor.

I don't let go of his hand. I can't let go of his hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Brooks." She smiles, reaching her hand out for me.

I shake her hand, as does Jonathan.

"Relationship to Ms. Summers?" She asks, raising her eyebrows at Jonathan.

"Boyfriend." I answer, quickly.

"Please let him come in with me." I beg.

Jonathan's grip on my hand tightens.

We begin walking down a small hallway as she talks.

"Of course. I mean, you wouldn't be pregnant without him, now would you?" She asks, laughing.

I nearly laugh.

This woman has got a funny sense of humor.

"I suppose this is true." I giggle, looking up at Jonathan.

He blushes.

She leads us into a check-up room, and asks Jonathan to sit on the chair, while I sit on the check-up bed.

"Alright, so basically, all we're doing today is checking to see if you're pregnant." She says, looking at her clipboard.

I nod.

"This won't take long. Just some simple blood work. You will know for sure whether or not you are pregnant in about fifteen minutes." She smiles.

I swallow, and then look over at Jonathan.

And I realize something.

No matter how this situation turns out, there is no one else in the entire world I would rather be pregnant with, than Jonathan.

So no matter how this ends, it won't be the end of the world.

I just honestly don't think I can bring a child into this world right now.

Not even with Jonathan.

We're still kids ourselves.

"So, before we begin I'll just ask you two a few questions." Dr. Brooks says.

I nod.

"Were you trying to get pregnant on purpose or was this an accident?" She asks.

"Accident." Jonathan replies.

I nod in agreement.

She writes something down on her clipboard.

"Approximately how long ago did the two of you share sexual intercourse that would result in pregnancy?" She asks.

"July 18." I say.

She asks me a few other questions about my period and that sort of thing before she washes her hands, and then puts a pair of rubber gloves on.

"Alright, well I think that's it for now. We can get started." She smiles.

I take a deep breath.

Jonathan moves over to the check-up bed, and holds his hand out.

Without thinking, I grip his hand in mine.

Dr. Brooks brings over a cotton swab, and rubs a patch of skin in my left forearm before tying a band around my arm tightly to help get blood circulation.

We learned this in the first year of medical school.

I see her bring the needle down to my skin, and then I force myself to look away.

I look at Jonathan and my's hands, fingers intertwined with each other.

I feel a sudden poke as the needle moves into my skin, and I close my eyes to block out the pain.

It's not even that bad, in all honesty.

Before I know it, Dr. Brooks has taken the needle out, and she places band-aid over the spot where the needle was put in.

I take a deep breath, knowing that that part is over.

"Alrighty, you two can wait here. I'll be back shortly." She smiles, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

I take a deep breath, and then look over to Jonathan.

His eyes shine in a dark way.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, you?" I ask.

He nods.

He then kisses me on the cheek, and the two of us sit down on the regular chairs in the room.

"This is probably the hardest part about this entire thing." I say, almost laughing.

"What?" He asks, smiling.

"Waiting for a certain answer." I shrug.

He nods.

"You and I will be okay. I promise you." He says.

I smile, and nod.

Within five minutes, Dr. Brooks is already back.

My heart beat quickens, and the butterflies in my stomach re-surface.

Jonathan's hand grips my hand so tightly at this point, and I'm in love with his touch.

"Alright, so the results are in," Dr. Brooks says.

Jonathan and I both nod, looking up at Dr. Brooks.

"False alarm. You are most definitely not pregnant."

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