Chapter 26: As Intensity Grows

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! I thought since this chapter is so short, I would update it today instead of tomorrow, and then update Chapter 27 tomorrow, as something pretty big happens in it, and I didn't want to make you guys wait.

So two updates in two days! 

Enjoy chapter 26 :)

Love you all,



It’s silent.

All you can hear is the sound of hungry boys chewing, aggressively.

Nothing is said.

I look up at Patrick, who is sitting across from me.

He’s got an extremely large serving of spaghetti in front of him, and he’s digging into it, quickly. The size of the bites he is taking are three times what a normal sized bite should be.

I can hear him chewing, and then swallowing.

Pat doesn’t even notice that I’m staring at him, as he’s so wrapped up in his food.

I glance over at Jonathan, who is sitting beside me, and he is doing the same.

Dark, thick stubble lining his face, highlighting his cheek bones and jawline, digging into his food...

That’s so typical.

I can literally hear the boys eating, chewing, swallowing, repeat.

Jonathan’s plate is huge.

It might even be bigger than Pat’s.

They are both loading up on carbs.

I smile to myself, as I take small bite of my spaghetti.

I made it, of course.

It’s Wednesday, June 11, at about 7:30 in the evening.

Pat and Jonny had just come back from a two hour long practice, and needless to say, they are absolutely starving.

The dinner is silent.

Not much has changed. 

This past week, every meal that the three of us have eaten together has been silent.

Basically, this whole week has been silent in this apartment.

Jonathan and Patrick are so utterly wrapped up with the series that they are in, and the intensity is growing every single day.

Every hour, every minute, every second.

You can feel the intensity in the room, you can see it in the boys’ eyes, and you can even hear it.

You can hear it in the silence that overtakes us every single meal.

Intense is written in Patrick’s blue eyes, that seem to have gotten even more blue this past week.

And you can feel it in Jonny’s dark eyes, so focused and concentrated all the time.

All the time.

We still sleep together every night, but it’s always quiet.

We hardly ever say anything to each other, and I am perfectly fine with that.

Although, yes, not really having a conversation with the two guys I am living with has been pretty hard, I completely understand.

They are in a position where winning is crucial.

The series is currently 3-2 for the Rangers.

Game six is tomorrow night, in New York.

The boys fly out to NYC tonight at 11:00.

The Blackhawks have to win.

The Blackhawks have to win tomorrow night, or it is all over.

And all the boys on the Hawks realize that.

They all know what they must do.

The task must be completed.

The Blackhawks have so much pressure resting on their shoulders.

Suddenly, I hear a quick clang of silverware against a plate.

I jump slightly, and look across from me.

I see Pat leaning back and stretching his arms up.

His shirt rides up slightly, briefly showing the “V” that lies on the bottom of any toned boy’s stomach.

“Done.” He winks at me, before fluttering his eyes over to Jonathan.

Jonny is still digging into his food, vigorously.

“You beat me.” Jonathan laughs, his mouth full with food.

I shake my head, laughing.

They are so immature, but they are so cute.

“Ally, it was delicious, thank-you very much.” Patrick laughs, as he picks up his dishes and makes his way over to the kitchen.

“You’re very welcome, Pat.” I giggle.

Jonathan swallows beside me.

“You are just amazing at everything, you know that?” He says, looking over to me, his mouth slightly open and his eyes baring holes through me.

I reach over and peck him on the cheek, before getting up to put my dishes away.

After about thirty minutes, the kitchen is cleaned up, and the boys only have about three hours until their plane leaves.

They are planning on leaving to the airport in about an hour.

Patrick disappeared upstairs, probably to listen to music and try to get some rest before the flight.

Jonathan and I made our way into his room, where we decided to take a little power-nap together.

But, I don’t fall asleep.

And as I lie here, my cheek against his beating heart, both of our arms wrapped around each other, I simply listen to him living.

I listen to the sounds of the things that keep him alive, realizing that without him, I am nothing.

I can feel the rising and falling of his chest, and occasionally I’ll look up, and my eyes will lie upon his brilliant facial features.

Eyes closed, eyelashes thin but long, skin soft and sweet, thick stubble lying on his jawline, lips slightly pink, mouth open a little bit, as he breathes deeply, making soft noises as he does so.

I know he’s leaving later tonight.

So no, I don’t sleep.

I lie here, and take in everything that made me fall in love with him in the first place.

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