Chapter 36: Forever a Mystery

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It was after that night, that I knew I couldn't leave Jonathan for a week this summer.

I'm only here until the end of August.

So no, I couldn't leave him.

Not when my time with him is so limited, and our time together is so precious.


It was after that night that I decided we were going to go together to Buffalo.

And he had other plans as well.

I woke up the morning after... well, it, the morning after it happened, with Jonathan's arm draped casually over my side.

His other arm, was wrapped underneath me, cocooning me in his entirety.

I held his hands in mine, and the soft sound of him breathing came from the other side of the bed.

Eventually, he woke up, we got changed, and then we headed downstairs for breakfast.

Thankfully, Patrick wasn't up yet.

Breakfast was perfect.

We never mentioned anything of the night before, but knowing what happened, brought us closer.

Our relationship kicked up a little, the few days following the night that we had sex.

Good God.

Jonathan was amazing.

Soft, but aggressive.

Gentle, but thrilling.

Everything. It was such a rush.

He was indescribably better than Jake was. He was better by miles.

Anyways, we spent the rest of the day together, and went for a walk down the streets of Chicago, around Trump Tower.

We walked across the small little bridge that goes over the Chicago River, right outside of Trump Tower.

We passed the Blackhawks merchandise store, which is literally right at the corner across from the bridge.

333 North Michigan Ave.

I wanted nothing more than to go in, but I knew that was a bad idea.

Too many people would recognize him in there, and it would just be a disaster.

To be honest, I probably could have convinced him, but I thought it was probably best if I didn't.

It was on the way back from our stroll, that I suggested Jonathan come back with me to Buffalo for a week, to meet my family.

He was beyond happy to hear this.

He then told me that he was going back to Winnipeg for a week on July 20th to July 26th.

July 20th.

That was, the next day.

I'll admit, I was pretty shocked when I found out, but not upset.

What did I expect?

That he wasn't going to go back to see his family and friends?

Of course he was.

But then, he suggested I come with him.

And I gratefully accepted the offer.

And so, of course, we bought his and my plane tickets when we got home, and it was settled.

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