Chapter 32: In Love With the Untouchable

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It’s Saturday, July 12, at about 11:30 in the morning.

And I am alone.

I am not complaining; I am enjoying my time to myself.

It’s been a chaotic past few weeks, the parties endless, the activities and interviews extremely lengthy, and it’s nice to be alone right now.

It’s the kind of day that everyone loves; not too hot, but not cloudy.

The kind of day when you can see the blue sky, and the sun, but there are a few clouds shielding its light from us slightly.

It’s a pleasant summer day in the city of Chicago.

I woke up this morning at about 10:30, as Shawzy, Sharpie, and I had a guys night out last night, and were out until about 2:30 in the morning.

I got up, showered, and decided I would go out for breakfast.


Ally and Jonathan went out last night, and they were clearly out fairly late.

Jonathan’s door was closed, and both of them were still fast asleep together behind it, I’m sure.

So, of course, I let them sleep.

I shake my head and laugh to myself.

Never in a billion years would I have imagined that Ally Summers, the girl that I grew up alongside, would be dating my fellow teammate.


But they have something special going, and that I know.

They are different people, when they are together.

More complete, and I see it all the time.

I notice it every single time they are together.

And trust me, considering that I live with them... I think I would know.

I decided I would walk down the street to the little coffee shop on the corner, and have a bite to eat there.

So, that is what I am doing.

I throw my hands into my shorts pockets, walking on the fairly quiet streets of Chicago, down the block to a local coffee shop.

I people-watch, not something that I typically do.

I watch as people pass by, their eyes sometimes meeting mine, others not even looking up from their phones.

Or, they will just stare at the ground.

However, sometimes I will get a little smile.

I’ve noticed that about people; some don’t even have the slightest bit of awareness about the lives of others.

Some people are so wrapped up in their own lives, they can’t help but not notice the others around them.

It’s sad.

In all honesty, it’s sad.

I reach the end of the block, and enter the coffee shop, adjusting my Cubs hat that sits on my head.

The strong aroma of morning coffee greets me.

The coffee shop is fairly busy, but I spot an empty seat at the counter.

I quickly order my drink and a bagel, and then snatch the empty seat.

Not too many people are sitting at the “bar” part of the coffee shop, so that is nice.

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