Chapter 2

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What the hell. The pain at the back of my head. Shit. Wait a second, did I even get to my hotel room last night? I shot my eyes open, ow! The sun was not helping me or my hangover. This isn't my hotel room, nope, definitely not. I scanned all four corners of the room and then finally the bed I was laying on. 

Good God. Blond hair. Arizona was sleeping next to me. I was in her bedroom. Oh my God. I slept with a woman? I did that? I did that. Wait am I naked, I looked down and bare skin lay under the sheets. I slept with Miss Bright Smile, okay, but I have to get to work first. I can't be late on my first day of work. No, no.

I slipped my ass out of bed, slowly, hoping not to wake Arizona. I saw my clothes scattered on different spots in the room earlier and grabbed them, slipped them on, and sighed. I look back to the bed and my eyes widened when I saw her, sitting up and slightly smiling. 

"Oh- hi! I just, I was just about to go." I said taking a few steps to the door. She looked like an angel with the sunlight on her hair and skin and - wha- what, no! Get it together,  Amelia.

"Don't wanna have breakfast first or-?" she offered, with a smile, always with a smile. 

I shook my head violently, "NO! No. I'm sorry but I'm good, you see it's my first day of work today and I can't be late, lotsa judgmental people in the hospital-" I stumble over my words when I was cut off.

"The hospital your brother works at?" she asks as her brows furrow a little, curiosity looks good on her. 

"Can't tell. Bye." I stormed out of her room. I went out the first door I saw. It was a nice apartment, but I really really needed to leave.

"Derek! Just the person I wanted to see," I said shouting behind my brother as I ran. He stopped and faced me slowly. "Good morning, Amy." he nodded. 

"Yeah, yeah, good morning, anyways, you leave next week right?" I said nosey. I know he and Meredith were having a hard time with the whole family and marriage thing right now, but I didn't really mind, as long as they stick together no matter far apart they were. 

"Yes, I do, but I would rather not talk about it, at least not right now. Now get in here and look at these scans," I nodded and caught up beside him. Again, the marriage thing, if him and Meredith can get through with it, I hope I can too one day.

"Amy, did you catch that?" Derek said as I blur back into reality. We were already in the scans room, I don't remember walking here. I shook my head, "What was that?"

"This is little boy's scans. Do you think you can remove the tumor?" Derek said with the sincerest voice, he does that. But back to the question at hand, was he entrusting his case to me? 

"Well?" he added.

I couldn't suppress my smile. I knew what he meant. "You bet I can,"

"Alrighty, but before anything else, I'll page the Chief of Peds. I'm sure you haven't seen her but she's fun to work with, last time she was here she said the Mcdreamy nickname fit me," he chuckled staring at the scans. "Oh?" I said intrigued. 

Derek liked her, that meant I can too. "She's fun to work with, but you know, a person who picked peds as a specialty..." He shook his hands a little, "Can be a bit bright to look at," He said before we heard a knock by the door.

Standing there was a blonde in dark blue scrubs. She wore a coat with a monkey etched on the left side and a grey cat on the right. What the- 

"Arizona. Dr. Robbins." Derek said. I only stared as she walked in, she wore the same smile from last night, and from earlier. "Good morning, I see what you're looking at now."

"His name is Henry, a ten year old boy," Derek said as Arizona stared intently at the scans, and I stare intently at her. Who would've thought she worked here? Who would've thought she was a pediatrician? Who would've thought she was Chief of Peds? Well, definitely not me when I fucked her last night! Oh, God. I sighed.

Derek averted his gaze at me and said, "Oh right, I haven't introduced you to my sister. I don't suppose you've met," Arizona quickly turned to me, she was in between me and Derek and so Derek pushed her towards my chair, I just know though I didn't see. Classic Derek, throwing me at hot girls since I came out to him.

"We've met actually," Arizona said as her lips curled into a smile. She held out her hand as I grunted at Derek. He seemed so amused with his arms folded and all, and his pearly whites showing, I hate him, just in this moment. "Yeah, we've met," I said finally. Shaking Arizona's hand.

"Is that so? Where'd you guys meet? Somewhere I know?" He asked, sitting up straight. I continued glaring at him. "Not somewhere you would know," I squinted.

"Joe's actually," Arizona laughed. Derek mocked me with his little mockery voice, repeating what I had just said. "Well, Amelia, when you said your brother worked at the hospital across the street, I didn't know you meant the Derek Shepherd." she giggled. Aside from the light boxes, Arizona was particularly bright to look at, just like Derek had said. 

"Well, now you know," I replied not too happy, but sarcastic, and I was sure it showed. 

Derek cleared his throat to redirect us to the scans, he must have noticed the change in my demeanor. "Right, back to work," he said. 

Derek started talking about what we can do and that he entrusted the case to me. The case, the surgery, and the impending credit after that if it goes successfully, all to me. While he was talking and I was looking into the scans intently, Arizona leaned sideways slightly, as not to let Derek notice. She whispered, "Let's talk later," into my ear. I was taken aback at first but I guess it was necessary if we wanted to remain civil and professional people that can separate work from our personal lives.

I nodded.

How I Met Your Sister - amezonaWhere stories live. Discover now