Chapter 3

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"Catch you later, ladies. I'll leave you two to chat, seems like you have to since the Joe's incident last night." Derek said as he left the room. Leaving only me and Arizona. Alone again in one room, glad it was a room in the hospital or I would have worried what could happen. Arizona took one last look at the scans before averting her eyes towards me, "Derek's basically handing the case to you, I don't see that everyday," she said.

"He isn't handing it, he's entrusting it to me." I said. I did not know we were doing this now, questioning my abilities. I mean, I practically lived in Derek's shadow since I entered med school so I'm used to it, I just did not expect it from Arizona. Who am I kidding, I only met her last night.

"Same difference," she replied. A stern voice escaped her lips, her work voice, the voice she used since Derek started discussing with us the plan. She had some duality.

"Yeah, I don't think so, he isn't handing it to me like you said because I'm his little sister-"

"I didn't say that," she said ever so sharply. "I didn't say he was handing it to you just because you were his sister." 

"But it felt like that was what you were insinuating." I laughed. Now she knows I have no filter. 

She giggled in response, "I'm sorry. I was just onto you. You seem to have the same gift he has, that's all." 

I felt a tug in my chest hearing that. I what?

"I meant that." she added with a slight nod and sincerity in her voice identical to Derek's. "I'm sorry, have you been having trouble with the whole Derek Shepherd's little sister thing?" Just like last night, she was quick to notice things. And I like that. I nodded to my side. 

"Oh, well don't worry about it. I really did mean what I just said. Even though I've never seen you in an OR, I can just feel it." she smiled, saying that last bit with ever so much passion. No one talked about me like this before. Washing away all my doubts in the blink of an eye, I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you," I said, but then my stomach had other plans. It growled for God's sake. Arizona burst into a chuckle and I was influenced into one as well. "I'm sorry," she said catching her breathe. "We should go grab lunch," 

I nodded. "And maybe talk about last night," I added before sitting up. Arizona raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Sure, we can talk. What is it you want to start with?" She giggled towards the end. I caught her, I knew what she was thinking. "Oh, Miss Bright Smile, you do not know I want to talk about everything. Right from the moment you came up to me."

"So be it, you wanna talk about the sex part too?" she joked. Playfully, I replied with a maybe. 

Arizona led the way to the cafeteria, not like I haven't been there before. We had small talk. Just small talk and giggles along the way.

"Well, you could have told me you worked here too! I was all there saying hospital across the street like an emo kid at a family reunion," I exclaim hoping to make her chuckle again. And she did. "Yeah, but you were also like, 'I don't wanna talk about that' so how could I." she teased. 

"Good point," I said before grabbing a salad and putting it onto my tray. I notice Arizona grab one too, she was just right behind me in line. "Copy-cat much?" I say. "Oh, please, I worked here longer and you should know this is my regular, if anything you're the copy-cat,"

I slid my way to the chips and grabbed some. Behind me, Arizona was pouring way too much sugar into her coffee. "Wow." I said. She looked up and with a defensive look, "Not the first time someone said that in front of me and my lovely coffee."

I realized just how much of a human rainbow she was right then and there. Wow. 

"Oops, don't let me ruin your lovely coffee, I'm just saying because I'm more of a black coffee, no sugar type of person," She walked up beside me, "Alrighty, Amy." 

She just called me- yeah. Only Derek calls me Amy. I must've thought that aloud because she responded with an "Oh" before taking a seat.

"No-no, it's fine if that's what you're comfortable with, calling me Amy, it's fine," I took the seat beside her and plopped my tray. 

"Nope, I don't think you're okay with it. Amelia's fine by me though, Amelia is a very pretty name, did anybody tell you that?" 

There was that tug in my chest again. I nodded at her and she smiled before taking a bite the her salad. Did I really seem uncomfortable with her calling me Amy? 

"Oh, by the way, do you want to grab dinner later? After your shift of course, if that's possible," she said with the cutest of grins I have ever laid eyes on. Lost in her eyes, I forgot I needed to answer.


"Right, maybe?" I teased. She was fun to be with.

"Maybe is going to get us nowhere but the hospital-buddies zone," she said after sipping her i-could-only-imagine-how-sweet-coffee. 

"Alright, but before I answer, is it a date?" Something about the way I spoke or what I said in itself seemed funny to her because she almost choked on her coffee. She looked me in the eye and said, "Yeah. Sure. Date."

It made me nervous. Oh so nervous. Just like last night, in the bar. Only difference is we were in the cafeteria. She wasn't even trying to make me nervous, she just, she just answered my question. That simple. It was a date. 

I haven't been to one in a while, I thought while chewing on my salad.

"You okay?" Arizona patted my back noticing I was staring into nothingness, if only she knew I was thinking about the way she makes me feel. I nodded, cheeks occupied with salad and she chuckled.

How I Met Your Sister - amezonaWhere stories live. Discover now