Chapter 7

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"Hey, guys." I said to my fellow attendings at the lounge. It was our lunch break so everyone used their time wisely to munch on every bit of food they wanted.

"Somebody got laid last night," Mer started which made Bailey knit her brows to only look disgustedly back to her salad. "Keep your personal life out of my business," Classic Bailey line.

"I for one want to hear it," Karev said eating his peanuts on the couch. "Me too," April second. 

I glance at Maggie who was busy stirring her coffee, she noticed my stare and said, "Yeah, whatever, let me hear it."

I chuckled and sat beside Mer. "Okay but you guys should know I did not get laid."

"Boo." Karev said.

"Surprise." Mer giggled.

"Wait, so you just went on a date with her and that was it?" April asked. I knew she had the reputation of being a virgin before Jackson, who wasn't in the room right now, so I smiled inwardly seeing as she was very much curious about my night with Arizona.

"That's one way to put it." I reply.

"Again, boo. That's boring. Why not get laid if you guys were already there." Karev said unamused. I was about to open my mouth before April retorted, "Surprise, Karev, not everyone dates for sex," she rolled her eyes.

"April has a point," Mer adds. "But sex is nice. But back to you, Amelia. When you didn't come home last night, Maggie and I just assumed you got l-a-i-d." And Maggie nodded, sipping her coffee.

I nod, "Good point, but we already had sex the first time we met so that was off the checklist before the date even happened, oh wait, before the date was even planned,"

"Nice." Alex said, now happily munching on his peanuts. I smirk back at him. 

"Wait, so you and Arizona met before you were here at the hospital? Unless... you had sex in one of the on-call rooms." April gasped, eyeing me for an answer.

"Wait, we were talking about you and Arizona? Dude, cool." Alex said, interested enough to sit straight against the couch. 

"Arizona's nice, especially in bed. Oh and relax, April. We didn't do that, had sex in one of the on-call rooms I mean. We met at Joe's the night before my first day here, let's just say she approached me and one thing led to another." I chuckle. April looks at me with a 'wow' expression and Bailey continued to disgustedly eat her salad, quiet sitting across Mer and I. 

I hear the door open and a familiar voice sprung behind it. 

"Hey, guys what did I miss?" she said closing the door. Alex choked on his peanuts while April smiled mischievously at me. While Maggie and Mer acted nonchalant as if we weren't having a conversation just now. 

"Arizona! Hey. Nothing," April says. Arizona sat next to her and waved at me quietly. 

After she left, we all burst into laughter.

"Dude, you should have seen the nurse's this morning," Alex said. "They were really onto Maggie and Meredith at the nurse's lounge knowing very well both you and Robbins' had a date. You know, I should've connected the dots earlier that you were each others' dates- fuck screw that, but I mean don't those nurses have patients to attend to?" He laughs.

"Yeah, I heard them calling Amelia 'Mcperky's Date' when I was there," April cried into a laugh.

"Wait they call her McPerky?" I said in awe. Maggie and Mer nodded amused. Wow. McPerky.

"Well I heard one of them say Robbins' was back in the brunette business," Mer said. Brunette business? "Why has Arizona been dating redheads and blonde's lately?"

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