Chapter 9

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I kept running and running. Running into people and patients and consults, I was running around the hospital to look for Arizona but I ran into everyone but her. The pit was getting busy too, there was a storm. And common knowledge is, no matter which hospital you are at, trauma center I, II, or III, there will always be trauma during a storm.

Back to the running though, I was getting exhausted. I searched the on-call rooms on every floor, then the bathrooms, and each room on the peds floor. Yet, I have not found her. I ran into Mer and Maggie twice already, we even talked briefly about the commotion Arizona and I had caused in the pit yesterday.

Yes, yesterday. I didn't have it in me to apologize sooner, so yesterday up until two hours ago, I was sobbing in my hotel room. Drama queen, am I right? But I am here now. Not the best of timings considering the storm and the casualties, some of them being kids, or tiny humans as she would call it. But despite the mass casualties of tiny humans that kept arriving at the pit, Arizona was nowhere to be seen. I say that because I couldn't catch her. Everyone had seen her today, everyone but me. One second she's at the ER and the next she's at the OR. At least that's what it feels like because the minute I find out about her being in a surgery, I get in the OR and they say she has already scrubbed out and the surgery was done. I check the peds' department and she wasn't there. Then I go to the on-call rooms again. And then the pit last. Then the whole process repeats.

I have contacted with Karev and April but they say they didn't keep track of her, busy with their own patients. So I was left to my own. And after a while, I gave up. 

Break time. I sat beside the vending machine as I ate chips, sulking. I was sure of every word I would say to her, how I would apologize about acting rudely towards her and being insecure and basically just about everything. We already had our first fight and we weren't even official yet, and I know it's all my fault. Heck, I don't even know if we would be official ever, now that I let her know I'm insecure as fuck for coming for her dating past. I'm so dumb for letting myself slip up. It was a simple consult.

And here I was sulking over chips because I don't know if the person I was dating would be willing to continue to date me after all the stupid shit I said. Hurricane Amelia, you have ruined a completely good relationship again!

"Go, go! Karev didn't I say to book me an OR a minute ago? Go, now!" a voice I knew all too well sounded at the distance.

I look towards the direction it came from, there lay Arizona pumping a tiny human's chest who rests on a rushing bed. The child was covered in blood all over. I get up with the intention of coming after them but I thought better of it. I just watched as they board the elevator. I observe as Arizona pumped the child, the elevator was about to close when another yet unfamiliar blond rushed to it.

Arizona looked up for a moment to look at the newcomer not letting go of the child and her face softened. I wanted to see more but unfortunately the doors closed. 

I look back to my chips and nod. To the gallery I go. 

"Nice to work with you again, Dr. Robbins." said the blond doctor I saw rush to elevator a while ago. I couldn't see her face but I was sure she was smiling under the mask.

"I could say the same thing to you, Dr. Boswell." Arizona replied.

Dr. Boswell? Like the ex-Boswell? The Boswell Alex was talking about Boswell? But my questions remain unanswered as Arizona asked for a scalpel.

After the 4 hours of surgery I sat through, they finally started talking casually. 

"Would you like to have coffee after this whole storm?" Dr. Boswell asked, Arizona was closing up. So she was the Boswell Alex was talking about.

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