Chapter 14

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Arizona was reminded of the harsh reality she was living in when someone paged her to the scan's room, only to find out it was Calliope herself. 

"What are we looking at?" she said by the door. She hasn't worked with Callie in a while so she knew it wasn't going to be easy, but this was work, work and personal lives are separate, she told herself.

"Okay that should wrap it up," Callie says closing her tablet. The ortho-specialist looked at Arizona, "Want to grab lunch?"

Arizona bit her lip, looking away. "No thank you, Dr. Torres" she let out a forced laugh. "I have plans."

And just as she was about go through the door, Callie said, "So you think you can just pretend to be a stranger at work? I don't think so. People are talking Arizona, I could feel it in my bones."

"I beg to disagree, I think I can. Oh and don't worry about the gossip Calliope, they won't gossip if you don't cause a commotion, most the staff are new since you left so most of them have no clue about who you are or your past with me. Let's talk about Sofia later at home, okay? I need to go." That was all Arizona left Callie with before leaving. 

"You look pretty, today, Dr. Shepherd." Arizona teased her girlfriend when she saw her at the cafeteria. Amelia smiled her way through the carrot, "Thanks,"

"You good?" Amelia held Arizona's hand under the table. "Yeah, I'm good." she replied.

"Did you talk with Callie yet? I was told you two have a case together."

Arizona blinked twice, staring into Amelia's eyes. "Who told you?" she asked, genuinely curious. She hoped it was the one person she had in mind, if not, there was going to be a problem.

"Owen." Amelia said nonchalantly which made Arizona sigh into relief. Amelia noticed how intense Arizona was since she got into the cafeteria and finally decided to bring it up. She wasn't going to act clueless and ignore her worries.

"Okay, are you really good? Like okay? Are you okay?" she said squeezing Arizona's hand with two of her own. Arizona nodded subtly, happy her girlfriend was considerate of her despite the things that happened. "Yes, I'm good, okay, okay. I'm actually quite glad you're still with me after she showed up. I'm glad you didn't run away, especially this morning."

The corners of Amelia's lips rose into a smile, "Of course, I love you." 

"I love you too, and I would never leave you, okay? Actually, I wanted to talk you about my daughter,"

"Oh?" Amelia was intrigued. Arizona leaned in, "I will take her. Maybe Callie and I can take a custody battle again or I don't know but I do know that Callie and her are not a package deal. Are you catching me?"

Amelia nodded, "Yup, that means you want your daughter but not Callie." 

"Yeah, I know it may not sound right but Owen- Owen and I had a talk and now I know I don't need to take them both. I love Sofia, and I loved Callie, just not anymore. I can only see her as a friend now at best."

Amelia noticed Arizona used her daughter's name, that's how she found out about Sofia's name.

"It's okay, it will be okay." Amelia said.

"Meredith, help me get her back." Callie said keeping up with Meredith. She was busy doing rounds and yet the Latina chased after her. Unamused, Meredith rolled her eyes and stopped. 

"I don't know what you're onto Callie but that's something I can't do." Callie furrowed her brows at her. 

"I- what? We were friends, Mer. Best friends, we were family." Callie started which made Meredith sigh. "Key word, Callie, WERE." 

Meredith turned around to walk out but Callie held her hands. "We can still be friends right? I'm sorry for leaving in such short notice, but I'm back and I have no other friends other than you guys', I'm sorry-"

"Is this your idea of an apology? I can only imagine what you must have said to Arizona." Callie was stunned by Meredith, she had not raised her voice at her before.

"What? You think we would just accept you after you tell us your pity-speech? And Arizona? Get her back? Did you guilt trip her with Sofia? I bet. You were always the person to guilt trip since that custody battle. You know what, I regret ever testifying for you, you tore down Arizona, piece by piece. You were horrible, Callie. You disgust me." Meredith said in all seriousness. She tugged her hands free from Callie's grip.

"Look, I can forgive you but I will never help you get back with Arizona. I mean, are you even serious asking me that? Amelia is Derek's sister, which makes her MY sister too. Her needs come before yours,"

Meredith proceeded to walk away when Callie didn't respond any further. The great ortho surgeon stood there defeated.

Arizona went home to find Callie packing her bags. She did not possess the same eagerness to talk to Arizona as she did before. 

"Hey," she said when Arizona entered the bedroom. She was still busy folding her clothes to make them fit the carry-on. Arizona could tell in the other woman's voice she was done arguing, so she sat beside Callie.

"I'm sorry," Arizona said. Slowly, a tear escaped Callie. Arizona opened her arms for the other woman to lay onto and she did. Callie rested on Arizona's shoulder crying.

"I still love you," Callie said through the tears. "I know. I still love you too, just not in the same way I did before. But you'll always have a special place in my heart, Callie." Arizona said softly as she caressed Callie's back.

"I know now I can't fix what I left. An open wound heals but it leaves scars. Mm, I'll keep communicating with you when I go back to New York, I really need to start fresh there. But I still stand by what I said about Sofia deserving two mothers. I'll let her come here whenever she wants." Callie said. Arizona nodded, "I miss her."

"And she misses you,"

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