Chapter 4

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"Arizona!" Arizona heard a voice from the hallway, she was sure who it was and said, "Yes, April?" She did so without looking up the piece of paper she was surveying with a pen.

April leaned on the high tabletop of the nurse's lounge. She had a tablet on her hand but closed it before flopping it on the table. Arizona noticed the behavior in which April only did when she was tired and looked up from her papers to give time to her best friend. 

"You look..." she started, squinting at April's hair. "Like a wreck." April finished. Arizona nodded in agreement. 

"What is it? What do you want to rant about?" she asked, knowing April, she had something to say, especially to Arizona since she was her best friend right now, or her person, as Meredith would call it. 

"I was just tired... and then I saw you," she stopped to sigh with a 'phew' and continued, "You're always nice to see." 

Arizona faded her poker face into a smile, "Uhuh, as much as I like the compliment, you have other things to say. Spill." April laughed nervously. "What are you talking about,"

"Spill." Arizona repeated, the same command in her voice.

"Alright. I saw you in the cafeteria with the new neurosurgeon- Derek's sister! Well, it's more like lots of people saw you but that's beside the point- people talk, Arizona. They talk a lot." Right there and then, Arizona knew what April was talking about and what she was insinuating. So she let go of her pen and looked April in the eye. "Let them." 

April held a breathe after she heard that. They both looked for people around, their eyes from one side of the hallways to the other, the nurses were staring. Oh boy, they have been doing so since April came running to the nurse's lounge. 

"Wait- does that mean?" April asked confused searching for Arizona's line of sight but her best friend was still busy eyeing the nurses gossiping about them. "Does it?" April jumped, motioning her hands in front of the blond, this made Arizona sigh, letting a smile escape her.

"Maybe." she replied with a  happy shrug, knowing exactly what she was doing. 

"You're dating!" April jumped again. 

"Maybe," Arizona repeated as she walked away. And when distant enough from the gossiping nurses, she muttered, "Dating, huh."

Amelia's POV

I rush to the attending's lounge to see Meredith scooping her yogurt with a foul mood. Derek and her must have fought again. I quickly take the seat beside her because there was no one else here to talk to. 

"Hey," I said. She scooped the last of her yogurt and offered it to me erasing her angry brows. I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, thank you, Mer. Seems like you need it."

She sighed into the empty cup of yogurt and nodded, "You have no idea." 

"You and my terrific brother fight again?" I asked and Meredith could only nod. 

"Well, you guys will be fine. If anything, you should know you guys are the only living and breathing couple to survive in this hellhole of a hospital, at least that's what I heard from the gossiping nurses since I got here." I laughed. Everything I said was true though. 

She cracked into a laugh and hugged me. "Thank you, Amelia." I smiled into the embrace, I liked helping my sister-in-law, she was nice, I remembered seeing for the first time and thinking Derek had great taste in women.

Mer let go of me and started an actual conversation, "You. What have you been up to?"

I could not help the smile that crept up on my face, "It's been good here. Derek gave me one his cases, a pretty tough case too, which is really a compliment coming from my so-entitled brother." 

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