Chapter 1

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"Straight tequila, really?" the bartender, Joe, said as he poured my drink. "You are gonna be sorry in the morning." 

"I'm always sorry in the morning," I smile at him and he nodded. "But, tomorrow I start my first day at work so, keep 'em coming." 

I cheered my shot into the air and chugged it in. Ah. Tequila hits the spot just nice. Then, a voice sprung behind me. 

"Double scotch, single-malt please." it said. 

I turn my head to see a blond. She wore a smug smirk while leaning against the bar and I can't help but feel intimidated. She smiled and took the seat beside me. Joe was pouring her drink into a glass when she started talking. And I kinda wish she hadn't because something about her made me nervous.

"So, is this a good place to hang-out?" she said matching with a smile.

Well, aren't you charming.

"I, I wouldn't know, never been here before." I replied without giving anything away. "Well, you know, aside from visiting my brother in the hospital across the street, but I don't wanna talk about it- that. I don't wanna talk about that. Again, I'm new, never been here before." 

"Oh, you know what, same as you, I haven't either. First time here. I'm new in town, I've never been to Seattle" she said so - calmly and had me wishing I was that confident right now. She also rubbed her nose which made me think she was lying.

I put the shot of tequila right by my nose to smell it, using it as a distraction to look away from the bright blond. I just wish she would go away. I'd rather not have a panic attack the night before my first day of work. 

"You look familiar," she continued before she paused. I haven't really showed much interest in my tone before so I wished she would notice so. Have you noticed yet, oh I hope you have. "Ah... you're ignoring me," 

Joe watched our conversation unfold at the other side of the bar and looked at me discreetly. Bullseye, pretty girl.

And so I face her again, and try to make-up a smile of my own. And I stutter there for a moment, crap. "So what if I'm trying to, I'm trying to- ignore you, I mean-" 

"Oh but you shouldn't," she said sharply with a matching smirk. That smile really makes me nervous. But I'm sorry to burst your confidence pretty girl, I can totally ignore you, I just choose not to.

"Why not," I reply. Trying to be playful now to keep my mind off the nervousness.

"Because I'm someone you need to get to know to love," she smiled. Again. She had such a bright smile it made me fidget on the rim of my shot glass. Don't get me started, blonde. 

"Cliché," I replied. "One more shot, Joe." I gestured at my shot glass and faced her again. She was still waiting for a different reply, I could see it in her face, she knew she had me nervous and tangled in all sorts of emotions, but she was the one who approached me, I'm not the one chasing, she is, so she had to play better than that.

"Alright, seems you want me to do all the talking but I can't have that, lady. So, what's your story?"

Story, huh. 

"I have no story, I'm just a girl in a bar," I said. Something Meredith said she came up when she first met Derek. I surveyed the blonde's face, she was quite amused. She nodded taking a sip from her drink. "Well, I guess I'll say the same for myself. I'm just a girl in a bar, Arizona by the way," Her smile had not faded, not one bit.

Arizona's a pretty name, like the state? I chuckle inwardly. "Amelia." I replied and returned the smile; she nodded. And that was when I realized, this was going to be a long night. 

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