Chapter 8

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I cried in one of the on-call rooms for a while. I just couldn't stop. Maybe if didn't burst at Arizona like I was a ticking timebomb in the pit earlier, maybe I could be talking to her at the nurse's lounge, or maybe I could be texting her.

I knew I was being dramatic crying over our first fight, but it was a fight that happened just because I was insecure. Hell, Arizona treated me with utmost respect since she first came into the pit after my page, and I just bombarded her with plain rudeness.

I heard a knock by the door and so I had to wipe my tears. I answered with a come in. 

"Owen, Chief," I say as his head stuck out by the door. 

"Amelia, I've been trying to find you," he said. "So how's the boy with glass in the head case going? You know what to do yet?" I nod.

"Good." he said and came inside. He sat on one of the beds, "Look, I didn't just come out here for that, I saw you leave the pit after Arizona and you had a... fight." I nod again, not in the mood to talk.

"I don't know what happened between you two but I heard she wasn't going to scrub in with you. And I needed to take that into my own hands, I'm sure you have your personal lives and relationships or I don't know, but that and work are separate, got it?"

His voice was calm yet still possessed the chief-ly tone at the same time.

"I guess I'm trying to say that you two can fix it before the surgery or set it aside for the surgery. Arizona is the head of peds and you, you will be head of neuro, and I need my surgeons to work well together, despite the problems they have in their personal lives for the sake of our patients or else I would have to replace them."

"Alright," I said in a low voice.

"Good," He said before getting up. "Find Arizona, talk it out. She's considerate, I'm sure she'll understand."

I am going to find her.

Third Person

Arizona was sitting up by the nurse's lounge like any ordinary day. But unlike any day, the nurses were not waiting for her. They were waiting for Dr. Amelia Shepherd. Apparently, gossip spread like wildfire amongst the nurses this afternoon, and to say the least, everyone's betting on the Amelia-Arizona feud like it was a wrestling tournament. 

"50 says Girl Dr. Shepherd will come by here at some point and apologize," one of the nurses whispered.

"50 says Girl Dr. Shepherd does come by but McPerky would be the one to apologize," another says.

"Why would McPerky be the one to apologize? Can you imagine being that insecure dating her that you pick her past apart," the first nurse countered. "Oh? How can you tell she was insecure? She's Derek Shepherd's blood-sister, insecurity doesn't run through their veins, that's for sure."

"Ladies, I advise you to leave." said another voice. Startled by the third voice, the two nurses turn to see a smiling Dr. Karev, something you don't see often. A terrifying sight. They both gulp and scurry away from Arizona and the lounge, they had patients to attend to anyways. 

Behind Karev, April walked. The two doctors approach Arizona with clear objectives. Arizona had hoped to see them too, she was having a rough day and needed people to talk to. And she was pleased to see her people.

"I heard," April was the first one to say anything, Karev nodded. They took spots beside Arizona, April on the left, Karev on the right, and Arizona in the middle. 

Arizona sighed, "She probably had her reasons. But where did she get my past from anyway,"

April and Alex look at each other knowing exactly where Amelia got it from. Alex nudged April behind Arizona's back and April glared at him. 

"You do it," April grunted in a low voice.

"Dude, no you." Alex retorted.

"No you, what?" Arizona said annoyed by the two.

Alex gathered his thoughts quickly and sighed, "We kind of had a talk in the lounge about you."

Arizona shoots a look his way. "Elucidate." she said firmly. 

Alex pointed at April and she said a 'fine'. "It started off with Mer teasing her about having just got laid and then she said no, she didn't get laid and then Alex booed her, you know he didn't know you were Amelia's date and then-" Arizona stops her seeing as she was already stumbling on her words. "Karev, you do the talking."

"Jeez, way to go April." He glares at her and April laughs. "We thought she got laid on her date because she was all perky, and then she said it was still a good date despite the lack of sex. I for one did not know you two were each other's dates until later into the conversation. Okay but- somehow the conversation tided to nurses gossiping and then nurses gossiping about you."

"Hm," Arizona said in deep thought.

"Okay, you know they gossip about you right? You're like some Mark Sloan gender-bend so of course they do, anyway, maybe she got a little bit carried away with your, y'know, dating past."

"What about the brunette business? She said something like that."

"The nurses were gossiping about that too, y'know since you got with Boswell, a blond, then got back into brunettes when Callie left you for good. That girl I forgot the name of and then that hot Italian OB."

"Oh," Arizona says flatly. 

"She probably got spooked by your reputation, that's all. She's new here anyways. But do know she likes you, likes you a lot." April giggles to herself towards to end. "She likes you!" she repeats trying to knock it into Arizona's ear. That's when she noticed Arizona has not been responsive.

"So what are you gonna do?" April asked. Arizona did not budge as stared into the distance.

"Will you apologize?" Alex adds.

"I will, actually. I understand her now, but I didn't understand her moments ago when I mocked her before leaving the pit."

"Oh we know, gossip spreads like the plague around here." Alex says as-a-matter-of-factly.

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