Chapter 6

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"One more! One More!" Arizona shouted in the distance as I panted, axe in hand. I raise the axe and roared, "Yeah!" I bend down to reach for another log and place it on top of the cut tree-top Arizona and I have been cutting logs in half for what felt like hours now; we started right after dinner. 

We were taking turns with the axe and are playing a game wherein if the log doesn't completely split in two, the person in the distance will ask a question that the person with the axe has to answer. Simple, really. Yet so fun if you think about it, we get to know about each other like Arizona had said, all I see is pure genius as I smile at her in the distance. She gave me two thumbs ups and mouthed a 'yeah'.

I look down at the log and sighed. Plonk. The axe stopped in the middle, I sigh at the sight and let go of the axe. Arizona laughed. As you can see, I am not very good at this. 18 over 20 times, I failed. Yep, I was counting. Which is a good thing because Arizona asked good questions, and I - I liked to talk, especially right now, because it meant she was learning about me more and more even after every fail I take. It's a win-win situation. 

"Well, order up," 

Arizona rubbed her chin using her pointer and thumb acting as if she was thinking. But we both knew she prepared for this part of our date, she admitted it at dinner too. I only stare here amused. 

"Alright, why did you choose neuro?" I nod. Good question. 

"Easy, I liked Derek and Derek liked neuro." I say. She nods too.

"Derek's your favorite..." She pauses a little. "Sibling?" 

I nod, willingly. "Yep, he didn't like me that much before now though. Well- you know. He liked me when we were kids and then the drug fiasco happened when I was like fifteen," I stop dead in my tracks. Wait, Arizona didn't know that yet. She didn't know about my past. What would she think?

"Hm? Drugs? You did drugs as a teen? You must be one of those emo kids at the back of the class. Barely talked and everyone thinks they're shy but in truth they were just high." she joked. She really did make things brighter- even with dark humor. 

"Nah, you got it wrong. I was the weird kid at the back of the class." I joke back.

"Please, continue with the drug things. I won't judge, you were a different person then, right?" I agree. "Continue your story," She says walking towards me.

"So, I had to get into rehab and stuff, but that didn't really cut it. Even though I wasn't in the right mind, I got through med school. I know, surprise, surprise, Hurricane Amelia got into med school." I try to laugh it off but Arizona noticed my coping mechanism all to quickly. She was good at picking up things, I noticed since Joe's.

"Hurricane Amelia was your nickname, huh." she said so, less like a question. "Yeah," I reply. 

She caught my eye and I stare into hers. "So, do you want to continue?" She says and I huff a small laugh. 

"I wasn't sober and done with drugs until I overdosed, and Derek had to save me from that. I was dead, literally dead, and then was brought back to life. Jeez, no wonder why we surgeons are so full of ourselves." I say hoping to hear her laugh. And I did.

"We're full of ourselves, that's for sure. Anyway, I remember now, we were at Hopkins together, except not together, I barely remember my fellow residents but I remember you now." she says. I nod recalling how badass she was during our residency. "Oh, but I remember you. I'm sure everyone remembered the  resident who scrubbed in at the conjoined-twins case. And you were so sure about peds, that's why they picked you. Oh- and how could us batchmates forget our very own Chief Resident." I tease her. Yet she stood there retaining all the bit of modesty she can.

"Oh, God, I can't believe we didn't realize this before Joe's last, last, night." she laughed.

"Yeah, I should've recalled that when you said your name was Arizona, you were the same superstar-resident-Arizona I spent five years with at Hopkins. Well, you know, give me the benefit of the doubt that I wasn't always sober and in the right mind back then, and you were busy caught up in your own superstar-resident business, if you think about it that way it adds up." I joke again.

She sighed through her smile, looking satisfied with the direction our conversation had led up to. 

"Let's take a seat?" she raised her brows at me and walked away from the axe and pile of logs. I left the axe behind and scurried behind her shortly after. We rested on the bed inside the trailer. Four feet on the bed, we lay there. 

"Ooh, uh, I'm stuffed," she said.

"So am I," I reply when a burp escape my lips. We both burst into a laugh. 

We talked again and the conversation just went on and on. I did not know if the plan was to bring me back to Mer's or back to my hotel room or if I stay the night. 

"Amelia, Amelia?" I heard her say. "Hello?"

"Ah, sorry, I spaced out there. Must be the tire getting to me,"

"Oh, well we could abandon talking and just sleep for the night?" Arizona says on her side, her free hand reaching over me. 

"That would be nice. We've been talking this whole time." I giggle sheepishly looking at her hand. She used it to tuck stray hair behind my ear. I look back to her, she was smiling, eyes lingering on my lips.

I gulp feeling the heat. 

I pull closer and her mouth ajar, I close my eyes when I felt her hand caress my cheek. Our lips touching, allowing no room for air. It deepened. From chaste to our tongues meeting and greeting each other, I smiled before Arizona pulled away. 

I fluttered my eyes open and laced Arizona's fingers with my own. I pulse raise.

"You're a good kisser," I tease.

She kissed me on the forehead, "If you remembered the time we had in my room you would have realized that sooner," 

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