Chapter 10

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The day after the storm, everything was well. Arizona and Amelia were back on track, better now even, if that was possible. Arizona introduced Amelia to Lauren Boswell briefly before she was about to leave. Arizona explained that Lauren was only here to operate on one case, which was scheduled to happen one week from now but the child got into an accident and was rushed into the hospital and they pushed through with surgery, sort of blind and sort of not, it was a 50/50 and the parents gave Lauren an okay before the surgery so it was all good. 

Arizona even praised Lauren because the surgery went successfully despite the lack of time to reconsider her approach. Then, Lauren returned the compliment like a ping pong ball, telling to more of Amelia than Arizona that Arizona was one of the reasons it went well, and that she was really good with tiny humans. She even winked when she mentioned not only tiny human patients but possibly even Arizona's own tiny humans, insinuating for them to be possible parents one day.

Amelia was delighted to say the least, Dr. Boswell pleased her. She was the type of person that can make everyone flustered, she understood why Arizona took interest in the craniotomy surgeon before, and there was no jealousy that lingered while she thought so. It felt healthy for her.

Arizona and Amelia bid their farewell and Dr. Lauren Boswell walked out the glass doors of Grey-Sloan. When she did, the pair turned their backs at the door.

"Want to grab lunch?" Arizona started.

"Yep, I'm starving." Amelia said. "Can we grab something from across the street for a change? God knows I have been wanting to take a break from the cafeteria food." Arizona laughs at her. "Yup, sounds good."

"Alrighty," Amelia says as she grabs Arizona's arm to face the glass doors again. "Wait a second- I need to grab my wallet," Arizona counters about to leave but Amelia grips her arm tighter, not letting her go. "Nope, nope, my treat." Arizona shrugs and then remembers before they walk out the door, "Your treat? So where's your wallet?"

Amelia stopped for a moment and chuckled which made the blond in her arms chuckle as well. "Dork," Arizona remarks as they head to the locker room.

a/n: hi, i just finished all ten chapters in three days, kinda rushed it just in case i give up. short chapter bcs i dont know if i should make more fluff before introducing new drama. what do you think? also, feel free to comment on my errors and mistakes, i'd be more than happy to fix them :)

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