Chapter 5

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Arizona texted me. I forgot I gave her my number earlier, at lunch. I checked it before I went into my first surgery here. 

hey, what time are you off? :)

Of course she was the type of person to text with smiley faces. I smiled to myself seeing the message. I started typing and hit send seconds later.

i'm sorry i'm about to get into surgery. can we postpone the date to tomorrow? ;)

I was kind of bummed it will be postponed but was also relieved because that woman, Arizona, made me nervous all the time since I've met her and this time, it wasn't an exception. A real, actual, date with Miss Bright Smile. We just met last night and I'm already flustered when talking to her. She was just the opposite of me, smiley, sweet coffee person, and all bright and bubbly. While me? I'm dark, really really dark.

I was dark humor, while she was the type of jokes you tell to your grandma- or little kids. I laugh at the thought. 

I like her.

The question was, did she feel the same way. 

Third Person

"Robbins, just the person I was looking for." Derek said catching up to Arizona's pace. He was exhausted from having been straight from surgery. Yet he made time to look for the pediatric surgeon through and through.

"Yes, Dr. Shepherd?" she asked, skimming through her paper. Derek understood she was finalizing before she was ready to leave and so he made sure he was quick. 

"I'm sure I'm not the Shepherd you wanted to see but Amy's in surgery right now, at least I think. You and Amy, you're interested in her right?" He said. Arizona looked up from her paper and laughed a little, "Yep, you could say that. A little nosey today, Dr. Shepherd. I don't see that everyday, usually people are nosey towards you not the other way around." she joked. Derek chuckled.

"Yeah, well, it's about Amy, I'm always nosey when it comes to her. I just wanted to say, I like you for her. And the whole drinking at Joe's before her first day of work reminded me of Meredith and you, you reminded me of - well, me." he said. 

"I see. If that's the case, I'll have you know I will take care of your sister when we become official." she smiled.

"When you become official," Derek repeated with a nice smile on his face as well. "I'm sure you will. So that's why I'm letting you know that I will be leaving, for D.C, probably next week, leaving this job behind." Arizona listened. She had not known Derek had those plans, and connected the dots quickly. "I guess what I'm saying is, I'm sure she'll be the next Ch-"

"Chief of Neuro." Arizona said. She was quite impressed. Next week, Amelia will earn the position having only been here for a week by then. She was also quite worried, remembering the conversation Amelia and her had in the scans room earlier. 

"She doesn't do too well with these things, I once left my painting set behind and gave them to her only to come back with her saying she didn't paint anything afraid she doesn't paint as well as me." he said to the blond. Arizona understood.

"I will make sure she's doing her job. I will make sure she's fine- no, good. Good. I will make sure she's happy with her job when you're not here." she smiles at him. He seemed to have this proud sibling look on his face Arizona had caught up on and she teased him about it.

"Anyways, that's it. You can finish that up now, without distractions. I'm sure you begging to get off work." he joked as he walked away. 

Arizona only sighed with a smile as he did. She was glad to know the Derek Shepherd trusted her enough to say those things.

How I Met Your Sister - amezonaWhere stories live. Discover now