Chapter 11

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Derek left for DC two weeks ago. Yep, and I just found out he gave Arizona his blessing, which is cute. He skypes with Mer every other night for the kids, they were the staple couple again. He left his kids to Mer and his job, head of Neuro, to me.

Arizona and I have been dating or- maybe one would say, were in the talking phase these past few weeks, we had sex once or twice when she let me have my way. But most of the time, she stops me after a kiss.

I am fine with it though, because I was the one who said that I was okay with going slow and that she was worth the wait. It has been two weeks since our first date, our fight and, the storm, but I was planning on-

"Hey, Dr. Shepherd," she says. I turn around and I see her wearing a smile. I did not usually hang-out in the nurses' lounge. But this was Arizona's favorite spot so I figured to meet her here.

"Hey, Dr. McPerky. Goodmorning," I say handing her coffee, it was 200 percent sugar, I assured her.

"Thank you," she says, coffee in hand. "It's like you planned to see me this morning, coming here before me and this coffee tastes like so," she jokes before taking a swig. "Ah, just the right amount of sugar."

"I know you well enough to put that much sugar and to come here early, I was wondering if you would be free to grab drinks at Joe's?"

"This early?" she says before taking another sip. "For someone so smart, you can be so dumb," she laughed after hearing that.

"I will make sure to free my schedule tonight," she flashed her dimples at me before taking a leave. "Alright! See you there, McPerky." I snark and she laughs along the way.

Right, there was a plan. A plan to make her say 'I love you.' Since the date and the fight, and the storm, we have not said I love you. Even since the night we've met, we have yet to say I love you to each other. And I wanted to change that tonight. So I planned to bring her home to my hotel room sober and then do the deed, and then say I love you after. Genius and romantic, Amelia, I keep telling myself, but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. 

I entered Joe's with the biggest smile on face, but then it faded when I saw all the people there. Arizona did not come alone, she brought the whole group.

"Good God, what are they doing here?" I say to her in a whisper, nervous as can be. My plans waiting their impending doom. Get Arizona out of here sober? I don't even know if she has drunk before I came here.

"Sorry," she says. "I didn't invite them I swear, they just saw me leave early for Joe's and then pushed that they come with." She shrugged and I knew she wouldn't lie. I look to all the people here.

"Richard, Bailey," I fake a smile.

 "Before you hold grudges, Bailey and I wanted to unwind," Richard starts, empty tequila shot in hand. Bailey nodded, she was probably drunk already since she wasn't in her usual Bailey demeanor. 

I turn to Mer and Maggie sitting by the bar and approach them with the most unamused look I could muster. "Guys, thanks for cockblocking me," I say sarcastically. Mer and Maggie cheered to it. 

"What? We wanted to see just why Robbins' was extra perky before she left. So we decided to tag along." Mer says, clearly tipsy. "You and you," I say pointing to both of them, "Are my problem when you get drunk. You. Are. Problems." I say and Maggie shook her head ever so violently. She must be drunk as hell, she reeks alcohol.

"The problem is tequila," Maggie counters and Mer laughs. They give each other tipsy high fives and boo me over. "Go away, Ames, were in the middle of nirvana!" Mer says while Maggie nods.

How I Met Your Sister - amezonaWhere stories live. Discover now