Chapter 15

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Amelia's POV

It was the most wonderful time of the year. At least that's what the songs about the holidays  always said. 

I stare by the window in my Christmas sweater, I also held hot chocolate in my hands. The warmth against my hands helped in the sweater weather. 

Mer's kids rush into living room where I was, Zola came towards me with the biggest smile on her face. "Aunt Amelia!" she said. I bend down and open my arms for her to hug me. "Ooh, careful, young lady, I might get hot chocolate on you!" I reply, laughing. 

"Oops! Sorry," she giggled. Mer appeared in the living room too, she held Bailey's hand using her left hand and held Ellis using her right arm. Squinting at the sight, I let go of Zola to help her.

"Here, let me help," I said shaking my free hand in front of her. She smirked and told Bailey to come with me. My little nephew had such a cute look on his face he walked towards me.

"Hey little guy," I said and I earned a little smile from him.

"When's Derek coming home?" I asked as Mer paced slowly back and forth because Ellis liked it. 

"He said he's on his way, you, when is Arizona getting here?"

I sit Bailey on the couch and sigh into relief thinking about how I get to spend the holidays with Arizona, "Oh she's coming, she said she just went to the airport to pick up someone," 

Mer tilted her head in front the fireplace, "Who?" 

"I don't know, I didn't think about that." I laugh. 

The doorbell and rang and Mer and I looked at the door. Since we were both occupied, Mer called for Maggie, who was in the kitchen with Andrew to answer the door. 

"Alright! Andrew keep an eye on the chicken." Maggie said from kitchen. She paced in her fluffy slippers and opened the door.

"Arizona, nice to see you- oh, hi! Come in, come in." we heard Maggie say. Confused from her unusual greeting, Mer and I knit our brows, waiting patiently for Arizona to reveal herself to us. 

"Andrew we're going to need another plate!" Maggie shouts. "Okay!" Andrew replies from the kitchen. They were a good pair, both knew how to cook.

I heard footsteps near us, from the door to the entrance of the living room, I was itching to see Arizona and kiss her- at least on the cheeks. 

"Hey," I heard Arizona's voice and I abruptly turn to her direction. "Hey-!" I stopped almost immediately though. Because beside Arizona was a little girl. She was half the size of Arizona but she smiled just like her.

"Good afternoon," she said in such a polite manner. "Good afternoon, to you too, Sofia." Mer smiled, patting Ellis in the back. 

"Sofia-" I mutter. I saw Arizona crack into a smug smirk, "Yup, Amy. Meet my daughter, Sofia Robbins Sloan-Torres."

"And that, Christopher, is how I met your sister. We met on a Christmas morning as well, like this one." I say to him. He was nodding before bursting into laughter. "Mom, you just told me your and Ma's love story and used Big Sis Sofia as an excuse!"

I laugh after him, he has already grown up to be a cheeky 10 year old and Sofia to be 17 a beautiful 17 year old. I remembered when I was first pregnant with him, I told Arizona, and she started crying. We wanted to have another child other than Sofia, I smiled at the memory. I remembered like it was yesterday.

"Mom! Let's go eat now, Aunt Mer and Aunt Maggie have been calling for the past few seconds." he said waving his hands in front of me. I giggle, "Sure little guy, let's go," I said getting up from the couch.

"Mom, I said you should stop calling me little guy! I'm ten for God's sake." he says walking down the stairs. He was growing up fast, really.

"I keep telling your mom that too but she just won't listen," Arizona jokes. "Arizona," I chuckle at her. She held my hand in the last few steps of stairs. 

"Sofia's already at the table. Everybody's already at the table. What did you two do upstairs?" she whispered into my ear, curious. "I just told him how I first met Sofia," I replied.

"As if, Ma. Mom told me your guys' whole love story and used Sofia as an excuse." he laughed. Then Arizona laughed, I couldn't help but notice how much of Chris has become like his Ma. His laugh and his smile, they were identical to Arizona. Sofia is happy-go-lucky too. I love them all so much. I love my family very much.

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