Chapter 01

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  Gun's POV

"Gun, Daddy 's going to leave for a long time, so make sure to be there for your mom, okay?" my father said with his hand on the top of my head

  "huh? daddy lweave? you buy Gun toys?"

 he chuckled weakly. "I don't think I can do that, kiddo. Daddy will be far away, but I will make sure to watch over you and mommy"

  At that time, I did not understand what my father just said. A minute later, his hand became weak and fell off my head. I was confused. My father's eyes are close, maybe he's sleeping. I tried to wake him up but he did not

  My mother came inside with the doctor. When they saw daddy, a panic expression appeared on mom's face. The doctor quickly rushed inside. Mom gripped my hand and dragged me out of the room

  More people came inside with equipment and mother told me to wait outside. She went back inside Daddy's room and closed the door

   I was confused. I didn't know what was happening, I wanted to see my Dad. I waited for him...but....he never came back...and mommy, she changed...

(Gun 20 years old)

   I mopped the floor clean. Mom brought another beta and they had sex again. The semen of the beta is all over the floor, I'm lucky that I bought a new face mask to use

   Mom is already sleeping on her bed. The beta guy already left. It's always been like this. Mom will bring home an Alpha or a Beta, have sex with them, then the next day, it's my duty to clean there messes

    After cleaning the floor. I took her clothes and put them on the laundry. The basket is almost full.  I have to clean those too tomorrow

   Taking the bucket and the mop. I went out of her room, closing the door carefully to not wake her up. I went back to the cabinet near the kitchen and placed the cleaning stuff I used in there

    I went inside the kitchen and decided to make some breakfast. I opened the refrigerator and saw that we only had a bacon, pork, some leftovers from last night's dinner and eggs, also a box of juice

   I grabbed the juice and checked if it's still fresh. Turns out that it'll be expired in two days. I'll just make bacon, egg and juice. I still need to save up some food for lunch, then maybe I'll buy groceries later after lunch

   Making the food. I made sure to do it fast. Mom doesn't like it when she ate with me. She always mention that I look like Dad and she hates it, so, I have to eat before her then I'll have to go back to my room

   Placing her food on the table. I ate mine fast and cleaned to plate and spoon I used. She also doesn't like things dirty

    After cleaning my plate. I heard footsteps, and I know that it's her. I quickly run towards my room which is the cellar, I've been here since Dad died, so I'm quite used to this

   Going back to my room, I sat down again on my wooden chair and grabbed my book. I've read this book a million times but it never got old for me. The story is amazing, how the wondering prince found a beautiful girl at a old shack, all chained up. But in the end, they lived a happy and beautiful life

   I sighed and slump on my table, resting my head and arm while holding the book open. I know I'm too old to dream and wish for like this to happen to me. I just want to experience to go to school and talk to people, outside of this gloomy house

   "Hey! brat!!" I heard Mom's yell. I closed the door and placed it back

   I went to the door of my room, but I did not opened it. "Y-yes?" I said with my voice all raspy

  "Clean the whole house! I have someone coming later tonight, and prepare a dinner!" She shouted. She did not wait for me to answer but I heard the door slammed shut

   After making sure she's gone. I opened my door and left the room. I look at the wall clock, I only have 10 hours left before mom goes back from her work. And surprisingly, she actually have a decent job

   Believe it or not. She buys me books and other stuff, so I guess she's still nice. I learned how to write by myself, but not so much on talking. I never went to school, so I've been locked up here for so long

   I started to clean the whole house, I started at the living room. As I was cleaning, my mind drifted again. I always wonder what it is like, to have friends and other stuff

    Whenever I need to buy groceries, I have to wear a mask, and I was always not allowed to talk to anyone, probably because of what my mom had been saying to me when I was young, so I guess I'm stuck with it for life

     I finished cleaning the house, just in time for me to buy groceries. I got my mask and enough money to buy groceries that will last for at least two weeks

     I got the key and locked the house. I took a deep breath and went on my way to the nearest grocery store. My head is always looking down, not daring to look at the eyes of anyone, I'm still a bit awkward and...scared to talk to anyone

    After hours of walking. I finally reached the market. I didn't take any transportation vehicle, probably because I don't know how to, so I just walk

    I went inside the store and got myself a basket. Continuing my shopping for foods, I searched every isle for the ingredients I need. I'm planning on making just a simple dinner, even though I'm treated by my mother like a maid, I really love cooking, it's the only hobby I feel free to do whatever I want


   Checking the isle, I finally found the last ingredient I need. But, oh boy. Why is it on the top shelf? Damn it....I groaned. My head said that I should ask for help but again, I am not used on talking to people

  With no other choice, I placed the basket that I'm carrying down, and ready myself. I tip toed and tried to reach for the ingredient, I stretched my arm as far as I can, I can barely touched it. Well, I am touching it with the tip of my finger but I can't grab it

   My knees started to wobble. I lost control and fell backwards. Not until, I felt an arm around my waist that hold me steady on my feet. Trembling, I look up to see who it is. I don't know who the man is, but he grabbed the ingredient I need, whilst his arm is still on my waist. And I tell you, I was star struck

   "Here" He said and handed me the jar. I shook my head and took his arm off my waist and grabbed the jar. I only bowed and placed the ingredient on my basket and run off

  That may be seemed rude, but I can't help but feel like something's...on my stomach, and my heart...wait, no, no, no!! I can't! I don't even know who he is

  I paid for my groceries and left the store. I hesitated on looking back and when I did, the man was already looking at me. The moment I saw him, I quickly turned around and walk away from the store

  He will forget about me...yeah...he will.....

  OffGun is on the Run❤️

As The Sun Sets, The Moon will Shine || A OffGun AU✓Where stories live. Discover now