Volume 02 Chapter 34

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Gun's POV

    Big brother brought me to the mall to buy new clothes. I need new ones for the party or...uhh...event that Dad was talking about. When leaving the house, I somehow notice that Big brother's constantly looking at his wallet. Is he out of money?

    We're walking through the noisy halls of the mall, the guards are following us for safety measures but we keep gaining attentions from the crowd. Though, big brother seems to be not bothered about it. While walking, I remembered that Dad gave me my own credit card to use when shopping, Gayle's always the one who pays for everything that I bought, so now I am thinking that I'll buy something for him as a gift.

   After a short while of walking, I found the store for sweets and teddy bears. Don't get me wrong, I feel sort of attachment when it comes to teddy bears.

   "Gayle!" I called and tugged his sleeves, successfully earning his attention "Let's go inside that store, I wanna check out something"


    We went inside the store, the guards were left outside since they will just scare the customers inside. I looked around the store and saw a brown teddy bear hugging a small grey one. I reached out for the teddy then my head suddenly ached.

    "Babii!" I heard his voice, I looked at his direction with a spoon full of ice cream inside my mouth. "I bought you a teddy!"

   He said with excitement before sitting beside me. "I'm not a kid anymore, Papii" I said with a pout

   Papii smiled and kissed my cheek "I know, but you are my baby so there's no helping it"

   I smiled and placed the spoon back on the bowl before taking the bear from his hands. The huge bear is hugging a grey one, it looks so cute and it kind of reminds me of me and Papii.

  My faced blushed as I remembered that he just kissed me..Papii~

    My eyes slowly opens and the first thing I saw was the worried face of my brother. Slowly, I noticed that we're back inside the car with my brother holding an oxygen mask on my face.

   "Hey, baby brother. Are you feeling okay now?" He asked with a worried tone. I still feel a bit tired to talk and I think he noticed that. "Don't answer, we'll head back home now. Let's just order your clothes online, okay?"

   I nodded weakly before falling asleep again...

   Off's POV

   "The suit fits you well, but I think we need to change your tie" the taylor said as she inspect the suit that I am wearing.

    "I think it looks fine, his face is the problem" Tay said. I glared at him and gave him a middle finger, in return, he just laughed

   "Hush now! So, Mr. Adulkittiporn, so you want a tie or a bow tie?"

   "I'll take whatever suits me the best" I replied. The taylor, which is P'Jennie nodded and started to look on the cases of different bow ties

    We're now looking for a suit for me to wear later one at the party. My sister's going and so is her husband. Tay and New as well, Dad and Mom are still busy on their own world and I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly announced that mom's pregnant.


  Everyone inside the room flinched and git startled by a certain scream. P'Jennie screamed while holding a tie. All of us released a deep breath, I panicked at that point. Her scream is so irritating, like it could break a glass.

     "This!" She said, holding the tie with her two hands and slowly approaching me "This will be perfect"

   I looked at the tie and was confused. "Mint green? Are you sure?"

   "Tsk! Of course, I am! I'm the best when it comes to fashion!" P'Jennie said with a proud tone before laughing like a barbie "Now, now, wear this and let's see"

    She went in front of me and put the tie around my neck. After doing some arrangements, she told me to face the giant mirror, I looked at every angle of the suit and it does looks good.

 After doing some arrangements, she told me to face the giant mirror, I looked at every angle of the suit and it does looks good

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   "Hmm, good job" I said smiling at her

  She smiled widely and gave me a thumbs up. After my fitting, I strip off the clothes for them to pack and clean it up, Tay looked for his outfit next. Approximately three hours of finding an outfit, we are finally done and ready to go back.

   "Do you want to call a make up artist or let your mom do your make-up?" Tay asked typing on his Ipad.

   "I would rather let New do my make-up than my mom, she would make me look like a literal girl" I said while looking out the window of the car.

   "Okay, I'll call him" he said and got on a phone call.

     I don't know why, but for some reason, I'm really looking forward for this event. A feeling inside me feels a bit giddy and full of excitement, I can't explain it yet but I know that I want to go to this event.

    While looking at the window, my mind slowly drifted off, only hearing Tay's muffled voice. I remember my baby's first event, If he was here, he would've dragged me to a store and pick some clothes for the both of us to wear.

    I know a lot of people had already told me to forget about him and go to a club, they expect me to find a new mate there which actually made me mad. I would never replace Gun, not now nor my entire life.

    "New said that he's already at your place, your parents as well. He'll be waiting for you at your room" I heard Tay said with a loud tone, making me snap out of my memory lane.

He might've noticed that I was spacing out again...

  "Hm, okay" I replied.

   We arrived at the house and was already greeted by my mom. They both told me that they'll be attending the event, but they might arrive rather late so me and the others should go there first.

    At exactly 5pm, we started to get ready. New put a light make up on me since there are really no changes needed in my face. He dressed up as well and Tay also got ready, by the time of 7:36pm, we're all ready to go.

Update: May 27, 2022
Next Update: June 14, 2022

As The Sun Sets, The Moon will Shine || A OffGun AU✓Where stories live. Discover now