Losing all of sanity

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I walked inside the house as she saw Emma playing with her toys and parents watching TV, you walked silently up to Emma as i gestured her to follow me. We two walked into up into my room, i told her about the plan and she nodded and quickly went off to her room to pack as I packed my things. A voice in my head was making me want to start the plan now while they were watching TV, after I finished packing my bags I went downstairs and made dinner. After I did that washed the largest knife possible and hid it in my pocket, I walked to the loving room, "Is dinner ready brat!?" Mom asked as dad held a beer bottle in his hand, "Yes ma'am!" I answered, dad walked up to me and smashed the beer bottle into my head and grabbed me.
"This better taste good this time mistake or else you'll get a whoopin'!" He frowned they went to the table to sit and eat as I quickly went upstairs to get Emma and hide the knife, we walked downstairs and she sat down and started eating, I finished cleaning as mom and dad came walking towards me, I went wide eyed as mom pulled my hair back, I tried to hold in the pain until dad had kneed me in the stomach, signaling he wanted me on the floor. I fell to the floor and soon enough they started throwing punchs and kicks my way, mom smashed another beer bottle on me but instead my head it was my back this time. I frowned as I cried my eyeballs out, it ended as they yawned and laughed and went upstairs. My eyes were baggy as I got up and continued my chores, I then went upstairs, took a shower, bandaged myself, Emma walked into my room with her backpack on her back as I put mine on, "Go wait downstairs at the back door. And if you here someone at the front door dont open it," I explained, she nodded and left. I put my gloves and mask on as I grabbed the knife from under my bed and slowly tip toed to our parents bedroom, the door creaked open enough for me to see them sleeping in bed, I walked up to mom and as I held the knife up she opened her eyes and faced me.
She screamed as I slit her throat, blood splattering on my outfit, I smiled. As dad backed away to the wall, "Well hello to you too father!" I chuckled, I made my way to him as we heard sirens, "Heh! Your gonna get caught now!" He smiled, I tilted my head. "They won't know who did it though?" I grinned as i Held up my hand with the knife as he sees the gloves, his eyes widened further as I slit his throat and continuously stabbed his, my outfit was covered in blood as I dropped the knife and ran downstairs to Emma, she looked horrified. She fearfully grabbed my hand as we went to one of the side windows and ran out, shards of glass cutting my body as did so. I ran all the way to Raf house and knocked, "Hm-!? Emma-! Y-y/n! Whats going on!" He gasped, "Take care of Emma for me Raf! I don't want her near them, but now since they are gona I don't want her moved anywhere else, I am letting her stay with you!" I smiled, he went wide eyed as he saw the blood on my outfit. "Y-you killed them-! Thats what jack meant!" He gasped, we heard the sirens coming as I frowned.
"Be good Emma!" I jumped off the porch and ran into the darkness as a trail of blood followed as I saw behind me Raf shutting the door quickly with Emma in his arms, I then felt pain shoot through my arm as I fell to the ground. "CHEIF! I GOT THEM!" An officer yelled signaling the other officers over, I then blacked out from blood loss.

------------Next Day------------

I woke up ina room, the walls were made of brick as I sat up, I had new bandages wrapped over my cuts from my foster parents and the bullet shot. I looked over to see a glass panel splitting the hallway and me, I looked out to see officers talking at the door to my room. They looked over and frowned as they opened the door, "Mrs Lifle. We would like you to come with us of thats alright?" An officer asked, I stood up but then shortly fell face first on the floor. I stood up again and clutched the wall for assistance, but when I did I felt something separating my hand and the wall, I looked at myself in a straight jacket.
I tilted my heard but quickly shook it trying to make it out of the room, stumbling a few times they brought me to a private room. Both me and the one officer that helped me down here sat across from each other, "So Mrs Lifle? Can you tell us what happened last night?" He asked, I stayed silent and stared at him. "Mrs Lifle!" He frowned, I looked at him and frowned. I then saw the different color wall, 'They are watching?' I thought, they sighed.
Days later they still haven't gotten anything out of me, "You know what! Get agent William fowler! He'll know what to do!" The chief shouted, an officer nodded and walked away. One of the men continued to stare at me till someone came in the door, "Hello Missy! I just want to eject something into you to help you! Okay?" The man smiled, the liquid in the surenge was green. He injected it into me as I ignored the pain, he then walked out as I pulled my hood down, it was hidden in my straight jacket. I had wolf ears and a tail, I started to try and grab it but made me dizzy a few times. "So this is the kid that murdered them or so you think?" I heard a different voice, I sprinted over to the glass to see a man in uniform. My eyes glowed purple as I growled, he went wide-eyed and back away. The officer gave me a glare and my growling died down, "Yeah, but she won't give us any information on what happened. She also had someone younger than her but she won't say anything about her either? We want to know if you can do anything to help her?" The Chief asked, "I can't help her but I think I know a certain person who can? Let me give him a call and see?" The man smiled and walked away, the chief nodded in belief.

Optimus Prime x Abused/Insane reader {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now