Back With Prime

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Ratchet's P.O.V

I was typing away on the computer to try and find the coordinates of the Nemesis when Emma walked up to me, "Can I help you, Emma?" I asked, "I'm guessing you didn't find the coordinates yet?" She asked, "No. No, I did not," I announced. "How much longer do you think it will take?" She asked, "As long as it does. I do not have the answer, only times does." I huffed, Emma huffed and looked down as we went back to the platform area where Jack and Miko, and Rafael were. I sighed as of knowing this would take much longer since the Nemesis coordinates were erased from the computer for some reason, I then looked at the computer screen as my eyes lit up with joy. "OPTIMUS!" I yelled, "Do you have them?!" Miko chirped, everyone came walking in. "I have the coordinates!" I smiled, Optimus nodded with a slight smile. "Good, Ratchet, you come with me, Bulkhead and Bumblebee! Arcee you stay here and man the ground bridge!" Optimus announced, knowing why he chose me to come with I rushed up to the ground bridge. Emma just stared at me, I could see the pleading in her eyes. We all missed Y/n, but her and Optimus did the most. 

Arcee pulled the lever down as the Ground Bridge swirled into existence, "Autobots! Roll out!" Optimus announced, we all transformed and well, rolled out. We found ourselves on board the Nemesis on the other side, we transformed as we came to a stop as the Ground Bridge closed behind us. "Ratchet! See if you can track fresh Ener-!" We all paused when we were being blasted at, Bee and Bulkhead went in front of me to shield me from the attacks as  Optimus stayed behind and covered there. I took out my tracker, "She's close!" I announced, Optimus nodded as I looked forward and saw the hallway. Bee and Bulkhead inched forward every time they offlined one or two of the cons.

Y/n P.O.V.

I could hear blasts coming from down the hallway, Knockout didn't even decide to see what was going on. Maybe he is a traitor? "Oh, Knocky?" I smiled, "What?" He asked, "Aw! Don't give me that attitude! I just want to see the commotion!" I asked, "No." He announced, "And why is that?" I asked, "Because you're not stable." He frowned looking up at me, he was checking my vitals on the datapad. The blasts were getting closer and as soon as they did, we heard Pedes' running down the hallway to this room. "Hahaha! Someone's just scared to see their ruined finish!" I laughed, "Y-Y/n..." I heard a familiar voice, I looked up to see my one and only Sire. "THANK GOD!" Knockout gasped, "YOU CAN TAKE HER! JUST GET HER OUT OF MY HANDS!" Ratchet chuckled at that, he walked up to me. He then paused when he saw my missing limb, his eyes darkened at the sight.

"Ratchet? Do you-!?" I then heard Optimus' voice, I looked up, and there he was optics wide in fear, and shock at the way I looked. "Y-Yn....?" He whispered, his weapons then turned back into servos as he rushed up to me. "Hm?" I frowned, Ratchet sighed, "Not now you two?! We are on the enemy ship for primus' sake?!" We then heard other pedes' I looked up to see the one and only Megatron, "Come to take your pet back, Prime?" He asked, "Megatron." Optimus frowned as he turned around, battle mask on, weapons out. "You will pay for what you did to her!" He demanded. All three of us, me, Knockout, and Ratchet had our optics wide. "Ah! Yes! But that day shall never come! For it be you who will fall!" Megatron smiled, "Someone's going to get payback!" I chuckled as my eyes flashed purple.

~Le Timeskip~

"Okay! And...good as new!" Ratchet/Sire smiled as he stood up straight from fixing my arm, I moved it around a bit and smiled. "Wow! Cool!" Miko smiled, "Now for your other injuries." Ratchet whispered, I stopped moving when Optimus came up. He had a nice little happy smile on his faceplates, "Ratchet? How is she?" He asked, "Her arm is as good as new! I just need to treat her remaining injuries now then after that, she needs rest for a couple of days. Then she can be back out again!" Ratchet explained, Optimus nodded. "Can I stay and watch you heal her up doc bot?!" Miko jumped, "No Miko! Go out to the main hangar and do something else!" Ratchet demanded, "Aww!" Miko pouted, she walked out of the medical room, (Yes there is a medical room) and to the others. "I'll let you two have some alone time before I fix up the rest of her injuries!" Ratchet answered, he walked out as Optimus stared at me, I was still moving my arm a bit. I stopped when Optimus was in front of me, "Hm...?" I paused and looked up at him, "Y/n? How was it that you were caught the other day by Megatron?" He asked, "O-Oh..." I whispered, "W-We got to the location of where the Energon was being tracked from and we saw him along with Knockout and Starscream, along with some vehicons (Steve the vehicon!!!!). After we had a little chat Megatron put his canon up aiming it at Bee, and when he fired I shielded Bee so he wouldn't be hurt. We then talked a little more and something happened and thats, when I found myself in front of Megatron like something, wanted me to be captured?" I explained, my voice wasn't as chipper as it usually was. Energon tears were ready to escape my optics, as Optimus bent down a bit and hugged me. "I'm just glad you are still alive!" He answered.

~Le Timeskip~

"Y/n!!! You can't walk right!!! You were kept hanging in chains for days! Your feet/pedes' aren't used to being used anymore!" Ratchet explained, "I'll be fine!" I answered as I carefully stood up, "Y/n! You do not have the balance on your pedes'! Your gonna fall down!" He answered, I frowned as I quickly lost my balance and almost fell to the floor when someone caught me. I turned my head to see Optimus holding my waist and smiling, I then stood up straight as my face became flustered. "See! Just be glad you were caught before you hurt yourself again!" Ratchet sighed, he then left the room. "Y/n? You know you shouldn't be doing this!" Optimus answered, "I know. I just feel bored not doing anything!" I whispered, he sighed. "Let's go back to my berthroom!" He smiled, he helped me carefully walk out just to be greated by the kids. "Hiya Y/n!" Miko chirped, Raf and Jack smiled. "Big Sister!!!!" Emma gasped as she got up and rushed over to the railing, "Hi Emma!" I smiled, Optimus smiled. "Have fun you two!" Emma smiled, "WHAT THE-!? HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT STUFF ALREADY!?" Ratchet gasped with wide optics, we all were shocked. "EMMA!" I frowned, "What! Don't ask me! Kids at school are jerks and plus! I went over to their house one day because they are one of my fake friends! That's when I found out!" She frowned, my optics widened. "You should've told one of us, Emma!" I gasped, she frowned and looked away, "Yeah yeah." She answered, "You're staying here from now on! And at the end of the school day! Bumble Bee will be there to get you! And you better be here right after school ends!" I demanded, her eyes widened.

I pushed Optimus aside and walked off, "Y-Y/n..." He whispered trying to catch up to me, I walked into the berthroom, and as soon as I did I felt a hand grab me and pull me back. "Y/n!" I heard Optimus' voice, "No! I don't want to hear it!" I answered, he sighed as he let go and shut the door behind me. "Come on! Just let her go! She loves being with Rafael! Plus it isn't good for her to be stuck here?!" He reasoned, "Oh yeah?! Don't you think I already know that?!" I yelled, he sighed. "Y/n. I'm sorry! Okay, I just want to help you!" He whispered as I sat on the berth as he kneeled down to me, my blank expression on my face didn't really say anything.

I stared down blankly, I then had my helm turned up to come face to face with Optimus. "Y/n...please let me help you." He begged, I nodded as he closed the gap between us with a kiss. I blushed as he moved us onto the berth, I broke away from the kiss needing air. He chuckled, "Oh shut up." I demanded as I pulled him back again and kissed him again.

Optimus Prime x Abused/Insane reader {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now