A Day In Town

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I woke up to a little bit of messy hair, I frowned as I combed it out with my fingers. I walked out to the main hangar and collected my books, it was the last day of the week, Friday. I saw Optimus walk in and sooner or later he had his optics on me, "Ready to go Y/n?" He asked, "Almost!" I answered, I put the rest of my folders in my bag as I took out a piece of gum and put it in my mouth. I then grabbed my bag as Optimus transformed and I hopped in the passenger seat.

As soon as we got to the school I hopped out and waved Optimus a goodbye as I walked up to the front of the school, he said he didn't have anything to do today so he said he would wait near the school until the end of the school day. And it was just like last time English, Math, then Science and Social Studies. Every period went by quick because I was mostly just doodling. The school bell rang, finally. I waited for everyone to leave the classroom as I stood up and walked to the door, "Mrs Lifle! Get back in here!" Mr. Markus demanded, I sighed and walked back in. "Yes sir?" I asked, "What is this?!" He asked as he showed a quiz with doodles on the side of each paper, "Um? That is called art?" I smiled, "On a quiz?! What if the administrators (people who most likely control what the school does and not if you didn't know) see this?! They'll give you an F and you have to start the grade over again!?" Mr Markus shouted, "Sorry sir! But it's already done and the quiz is turned in! Anyways my rides waiting for me! Cya!" I smiled as I left, I walked out of the building and seen Optimus waiting at the curb. I hopped onto the last step, "Hey Y/n!" I heard a kid's name, I stopped and turned to where my name was said and saw Vince. I sighed, "What do you want Vince?!" "Come on Y/n! Let's just have a little fun! Me, you, and the gang!" He chuckled as he took my hand, I went wide-eyed as I pushed him back. "Get away from me!" I answered as I backed up to the wall, he frowned as he took both my wrists and shoved me up against the wall. "You know what! I'll let you off the hook this time! But any other time and you will get payback!" He whispered, he let go of my wrists and took off with his buddies. I sighed as Jack and Miko ran up to me, "Y/n! You okay!" They asked, "Yeah I'm fine!" I answered, "Y-Y/n? Are those fingerprints!?" Miko gasped as she took my wrist, "He had too hard of a grip on you!" Jack gasped, "I-I'll be fine! I promise!" I answered, "Nope! Come on! We'll go back into the nurse before we leave to the base!" Jack answered as they dragged me back in, we walked all the way to the nurse's office and she bandaged me up. I put my hoodie back on to hide the bandages as we walked back out, "You know what?" I just got the biggest idea!" Miko gasped as we exited the building, seeing Optimus, Bulkhead, and Arcee waiting for us. "What is it?" Jack asked, "How about we spend the rest of the day doing our own thing in town? Besides, there is nothing to really do at the base? We can let Emma and Raf annoy Ratchet then!" Miko giggled, I frowned. "Um? But what about them three?" I asked pointing to Optimus, Arcee, and Bulkhead. "We can tell them! Even though they drove all this way for nothing then!" Miko chirped, "I mean Y/n hasn't had much fun in her life? What do you say Y/n?" Jack asked, "I-I'm fine with it! I guess I'll try and enjoy it!" I smiled, "Yeah! Plus we need to help you get your emotions back!" Miko jumped.

----------Optimus' P.O.V:----------

"What are they talking about?" Arcee asked, "Beats me. I just hope they're walking down soon, we don't really have all the time in the world to just sit here," Bulkhead sighed. "Optimus? Are you okay with them just talking there? We have missions to do back at base!" Arcee argued, it was then quiet. "Optimus?!" Arcee whisper-yelled, "W-What?" I answered taking my gaze off Y/n and looking at the other two, "You were staring at her weren't you?" Arcee asked, "N-No!" I answered clearing my throat, "Anyways! Let's just wait for a little more! Ratchet might be wondering where we are but we can worry about that later!" I suggested, I turned back towards the three as they began making their way down. "Finally?!" Bulkhead and Arcee shouted, "Chill guys! Us three wanted to know if we can just hang around in town for a bit? You know? Let Y/n here have some fun once in her life?" Miko smiled, "Then we came all the way out here for nothing!" Arcee groaned, "I mean ya technically didn't? Since the Decepticons now who we are, one of you could watch over us in secret while we just hang out?" Jack smiled, "Even though it's not the best decision." "Y/n? Are you okay with this decision?" I asked her, she paused but then nodded slowly. 'What's going on with her lately?' I thought.

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