Project Save Y/n!

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I woke up on a table as my eyes widened as I looked around, "Oh! Your finally away Mrs Lifle!" I heard a voice, "I am Silas! And this is Mech!" He smiled, I looked around a little more and saw a Decepticon right next to me. He looked at me, "Now! We will start on the project in a couple minutes! Just so you can get acquainted with who you're going to be part of!" Silas grinned, I frowned as I held no emotion. "Says you," I answered. He turned back around to me, "What did you say?" He asked, my eyes turned purple. "You have only captured me because of my ears and tail! And if I say, you like to experiment on things that look in-human! Well, turns out you were the one that day that injected that liquid into my body! Just so you could see how I am in the future. Why? I have no idea, but I now know that I am stronger than before and have magic! Meaning I could break out of these cuffs at any minute!" I answered with a grin, Silas and the others had wide eyes.

"H-HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT WAS ME-!?" He gasped, "I never forget faces." I smiled, my eyes began to glow purple. The Decepticon looked at me with wide eyes as Silas walked over to me keeping a tight face, "You know. I bet the Autobot leader is worried about you! Wouldn't he always skip out on missions just to make sure you are okay!" He smiled lifting my chin to his eye level, "I wouldn't touch me if I were you!" I smiled as a knife appeared in my hand, Silas went wide eyed as he backed away. I broke the cuffs off, as I heard a smash and saw Bulkhead come rushing in. "Hm-!? Y/N! YOUR HERE TOO! OPTIMUS IS GOING TO BE SO GLAD YOUR NOT HURT!" He gasped, "Yes! Please just take Breakdown and leave, tell Optimus I am still here if I don't come out!" I answered, his eyes widened but he just nodded. I then walked up to Silas holding the knife up, "I am human. I can say that, but I am also a monster!" I answered.

I then heard more vehicles coming in a couple of minutes later, I quickly slashed Silas but missed the throat and got his cheek. I frowned as I heard Optimus' voice, "Y/n! Put the knife away!" He demanded, "Aw! Just having my fun! Your safe this time!" I smiled as I giggled a bit, the knife disappeared from my hands as my eyes stopped glowing. I backed away to Optimus as he transformed and opened his passenger door, I immediately hopped in as he drove off. "Thank goodness you aren't hurt!" He relaxed, his holo form appeared. "I am but I will say I almost lost it like a couple of weeks ago(Skipped a couple of days here and there)!" I answered, "Y/n..." He whispered, turning to me. The cab heated up a little bit as I turned my eyes to look at his holo form, "I was really worried when you went missing! You've been gone for a day!" He exclaimed, my insane level was dying down, I could tell it was cause I turned towards him with blush on my face. "Optimus! All I can say is that I know what they did to me, I may look a bit different now because I know I didn't have metal flakes on my cheekbones, nor did I have magic! Even if I look totally different." I explained, "But I will always be the same old me!" My smile reappeared on my face as the rest of the cab heated up, his holo form turned towards me as I continued looking forward. I saw the ground bridge burst open as Optimus drove through, his holo form appeared as he transformed and I landed in his hand. "Y/N!" Emma gasped, Optimus let me down as a blue tint covered his faceplates, my eyes widened as Emma almost made me fall to the ground. Jack and Miko ran over and hugged me even tighter, "We are so glad you aren't hurt!!!" Miko answered, "I also like the new look!" I nodded, I then looked over towards Raf as he smiled. "I missed you, big sister!" Emma answered, "I missed you too Emma!" I whispered, I bent down to her level and hugged her, picking her up mid-hug.

"Y-Y/n? May I talk to you?" Optimus asked in a very soft tone, "Sure." I answered putting down Emma and turned to him, he put down a servo as I happily climbed on. We walked over to the elevator and went up to the roof, it was almost around when the sun would set. Optimus then sat down at the edge of the cliff with me in his servo, "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked, "Or did you just want to come up here just to have me all to yourself?" I was sure enough with just saying that his face was covered blue, I smiled. "Y-Y/n..I-I don't know how to say it...but..." He paused as he looked away.

He then transformers and I landed in his passenger seat, his holo form appeared turned towards me with the same amount of blue he had on before he transformed. "Y-Y/n...I-I love you with all my heart and I would do anything for you! I've worried every day since I met you! Even though you don't have many memories from when you were young! I would love to spend the future with you! And maybe even more!" He smiled, I was suddenly shocked at this moment. I could feel my cheeks heat up, "Y/n. I love you with all my heart and I want to be with you and enjoy life with you, I get it if you don't feel the same, but-!" He stopped with I put a hand over his mouth, "I love you with all my heart too! And I would be happy to spend my days with you!" I whispered, the whole cab was then heated up as Optimus' air vents couldn't keep up. I took away my hand as he held his hand up to my cheek, "M-May I-?" He asked, "You may?" I smiled, it was that moment that we then closed the gap between us and kissed. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss continued for a couple more seconds, we then broke apart. "I-I didn't think you would be a good kisser?" He blushed, " I didn't think you would either." I answered, he then pulled the rest of me into the driver seat, keeping my arms around him. "W-Would this mean...?" He paused, "We're dating? Yes." I answered, "If that's fine with you?" I looked up at him, "That'd be nice!" He smiled, I leaned my forehead against his.


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