End Of College for Y/n And Beginning Of A New Evil

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--------------Y/n P.O.V----------------

It was the last few days of my college year as I was starting to become more like myself when I killed my foster parents, losing my sanity.

I wanted to notify Optimus so bad but the voices kept holding me back, so I tried my best to keep it together. I was in my room packing my boxes when I heard a knock on my door, I walked over and opened it to see Jack's mom. "Hello-! Y/n? Why are you wearing a bandana over your eyes?" She asked, "I-It's for private reasons." I whispered, "Okay. Well, Optimus will be in soon! Since we can only fit a few boxes in his cab I brought my vehicle!" She answered, I bowed a little bit making sure she didn't see my eyes. "Anyways? How many boxes ya got?" She asked, "Just...a couple?" I whispered, I let her walk in. "For now," I finished. "You still have a bunch of packing-! Plus where did you get all this stuff?!" Mrs. Darby gasped, "My...friends...?" I mumbled as I held my arm in my hand and looked down, "Well at least they're treating you nicely! Why not let's go get these boxes in my vehicle and we can put the rest with Optimus?" Mrs. Darby asked, I nodded in agreement. As we both grabbed a few boxes we headed out, "Where would you like me to put these boxes, Mrs. Darby?" I asked, "Put them in the back where the back hatch is open and slide them till they hit the seat!" She directed me, I nodded as I walked to the back of the car and filed in the boxes one by one. That's when I heard a familiar sound to me, I turned my head as I saw Optimus come rolling in.

Mrs. Darby waved, "Okay! Let's go get a couple more boxes! Then I don't think my car will be able to fit anymore!" Mrs. Darby answered, I nodded as Optimus's holo form walked up. "Already packing without me?" He asked, "She was here before you?" I smiled a bit, he sighed as we walked in after her. We walked into our room and got the remaining boxes, only two boxes of my stuff had to go with me and Optimus.

"Okay, before we leave why not say goodbye to your friends! I have someone else to see? Do you know what time Jack's classes end?" Mrs. Darby asked, "Um...I think he said around one today?" I whispered, Optimus noticed my tone and looked at me with a questionable face. "Okay! I'll be going to his dorm then! See ya!" Mrs. Darby waved and walked off, Optimus put his arm around my waist. "Finally!" He smiled, "What? Hate having me at the base?" I asked, "It's a little....too quiet now since you've been gone!" He replied, that's when I heard a voice from behind. "Y/n!!" It sounded like Niko~Chan, I turned around and smiled. "Hey guys!" I waved, Optimus had his arms behind his head as he was looking in a different direction. "Leaving so soon?" Ryan asked, "Yes. Sorry for no warning?" I answered, "Meh! At least you don't have to learn anymore?" Ryan chuckled, "Y/n? Who's this hunk?" Erika asked, "O-Oh-! This is my boyfriend-! O-Orion!" I blushed looking away, "Nice to meet you, Orion! I'm Erika! This is Ryan and Niko~Chan!" Erika smiled, Optimus didn't answer back as I looked at him. "Uh...okay? Anyways Y/n! Why not come get some coffee with us? And you can bring Orion with you?" Ryan smiled, "S-Sure! We'll be with you guys in a minute!" I agreed, it was nine in the dang morning. All I wanted was coffee about now. As the others left I faced Optimus, "Optimus! Why the hell didn't you say anything!" I asked, "Because! I didn't want to!" He argued, "Yeah well great job on making a first impression with my friends!" I growled, his eyes widened in fear when he saw the purple glow. I turned away and walked off to my friends with my purse strap over my head, Optimus just stared at me as I and my friends walked away.

----------Optimus's P.O.V.----------

"So what was that about?" I heard Jack's voice, I turned around to see him and June. "N-Nothing!" I huffed, "Nothing? Ya sure because you seem like you could really want her to come back and take you with her?" June asked, "I said it's nothing!" I frowned, I threw my arms up in the air since I was pissed, and walked off. "Optimus? You saw her purple glow didn't you?" Jack asked, I paused in my and turned back around to Jack. "How do you know what happened?" I asked, "That's the only reason she has the bandana on over her head? She's been blocked herself out from public like she did a couple of years ago! She's even gone to the point of skipping classes and being asked to have a room by herself?" Jack explained, "A room by herself? I thought her roommate already left?" June gasped, my eyes widened as I heard the news. We then heard a scream from the way Y/n went as we quickly headed down the sidewalk, my eyes widened as I saw Y/n in the hands of Megatron in his holo form. "Big guys got a holo form now? Sweet?" Jack frowned, I frowned. 'This is all my fault,' I thought. "Well, look who it is! I've caught her again! But I don't sense any dark Energon from you?" Megatron smiled, "L-Let go of me!" Y/n demanded, "Not just yet!" Megatron smirked as his vehicle form (Yes I gave him a vehicle form) came driving down the road.

(Below is his alt form, A grey Dodge Challenger)

(Below is his alt form, A grey Dodge Challenger)

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--------------Y/n P.O.V.--------------

"L-Let go of me!" I demanded, "Not Just yet!" Megatron smirked as his vehicle form came driving down the road, I was amazed at his style for cars though. His holo form shoved me in as the buckle went past my waist and clicked, his holo form got in the other side and took off, the horn honked as I saw the others watch as Megatron took me away. The Dodge Challenger then transformed into Megatron's jet and took off into the air, "What do you want with me?!" I managed to get out, "What do I want with you? Well! I thought of maybe using you as bait to lure Optimus! Seeing as though he didn't start to chase after me makes it more complicated?" Megatron explained, I sighed and looked away.


Megatron transformed as we landed in the Nemesis, he held me tight in his servo as I looked around. "Lord Megatron! Back already?" I heard a voice, I looked over and saw a red con. "Yes Knockout! I would like you to cage our prisoner!" Megatron answered, he threw me onto the counter top. "Gah-!" I cried as I scraped my wrist to my shoulder and scraped my knee cap, Knock out frowned when he looked down at me. He just...stared, "Do you understand?!" Megatron asked, Knockout nodded. I slowly sat up as Megatron left, I was gripped my arm. Knockout went to reach for me, I put my arm up as a disc appeared into my hands. "Stay away from me con!" I demanded, he retreated his hand. After a couple of seconds, I retreated my disc, "I just want to help you!" He answered, "Sure! And torture me like MECH! Or even hurt me like your leader! I don't think so!" I answered, he frowned and sighed, "Do you want to get patched up or not?" He asked, I sighed.

"Only if I get let go?" I argued, Knockout sighed. "I'll try!" He answered, I walked over to him as he got the first aid kit and quickly bandaged my arm and leg up. "Not bad," I whispered. "I also believe you want this?" Knockout asked as he held up my bandana, I took it from his digit and quickly tied it around my head. "Now I think I know what that Prime sees in you?" He smiled, "Shut it. Now you promised to get me out of here?" I asked, "Sure!" He smiled, he grabbed me with his servo and stuffed me in a box with tools. "Don't worry! These are useless tools I was going to trade out for scraps down on earth! So I think you'll be okay!" He answered, he put the lid on and started walking.

----------------------Later Again----------------------

"Doll? We're here!" Knockout answered, I instantly woke up from that. He transformed and I landed in his servo, I then heard a familiar engine with a couple behind it. "Couldn't have woken me up in a better way?" I asked as I looked up at him, "No." He answered, "Next time I'll make sure to ruin your finish." I answered as I sat up, I saw Optimus transform. He looked at my bandages as I saw angry in his expression, "Thanks but no thanks! I'll already get my aft whooped by Megatron!" Knockout smiled as he handed me to Optimus, Ratchet transformed and examined my injuries. "The dolls fine! I bandaged her up well enough, but she won't be able to walk for a few weeks unless you get what the humans call crutches!" Knockout explained, "And as for her arm, just let it heal!" "Did Megatron do anything else then just hurt my daughter?!" Ratchet asked, Knockout sighed. "Not from what I know of! But you should ask her! She is the one that was captured by him!" Knockout answered, "No toodle-loo! I need to get back before Lord Megatron even knows I'm gone or my finish will be ruined!" He turned around and transformed into his alt mode and took off, Optimus sighed in relief. He put his digit up to his comm and spoke, "Arcee! We request a ground bridge!" He let his hand fall to his side as my eyes glowed a bit purple.


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