Filled With Dark Energon

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(Yes I am making a couple of Chapters with Ratchet infected with synthetic Energon, I said I didn't want to copy the show, this will also be a very, and I mean VERY long paragraph)

I frowned as I walked into the main hangar from Optimus' berth room, this is the second time he is still asleep and I am going to be late for school if he doesn't get up. "Hm? Y/n? Your still here-?" Ratchet paused, "Optimus never got up did he?" He asked, I shook my head in response. "I guess I'll drive you to school then!" He answered, "I-I wouldn't really trust someone who has an unknown substance in their system Ratchet?" I answered as he sighed. "You'll be fine! Now grab your stuff and let's go!" He demanded, I rushed up to get my book bag and stuffed all the folders in it like Friday. Ratchet transformed as I rushed down and hopped in the passenger seat and drove out of the tunnel, "You okay? You look like you just saw a ghost?" Ratchet asked, "S-Sorry-! I'm not used to this-! I'm used to Optimus driving me to school! Remember?" I answered, "Right! Well hey! He can come to pick ya up after school! Or if you want I can get you?" He asked, "U-Um-! N-No! I'd rather Optimus! N-no offense!" I exclaimed, "I see! Also, I finished what you wanted!" He asked, "Y-You did...?!" I gasped.

"Yeah!" He chuckled, "Dang-! Wait-! What is it infused with?!" I asked, "Uh-! Synthetic...Energon?" He answered in a sad down, my eyes widened. "Are you crazy!? How do you know that works for humans?!" I asked, "Oh come on! Just give it a shot!" Ratchet pouted as his glove compartment door slid open, I frowned as I grabbed it. It was a metallic-like glove but had a thin layer. "This is now reminding me of the gauntlet from Avengers End Game!" I huffed, "I mean I made it that way so you don't get laughed at by other kids? The first day you arrived I thought those bandages were from your foster parents and some kids at school!" Ratchet answered, "So I spared ya the embarrassment!" "Thanks..." I whispered, we drove up to school as I threw my bag over my shoulder. "Thanks for the ride Ratch!" I answered, "No problem!" He smiled, I hopped out and walked up to Raf, Emma, Miko, and Jack. "What's with the doc bot giving you a ride?" Miko watched as he drove off, "Optimus was still asleep when I woke up." I explained, "Dang. Never thought he'd sleep this late? In the morning too?" Jack answered, "Also to he did it yesterday and he was feeling totally zombified!" Miko added, I huffed.

"I just hope he's okay!" I glared down, "He'll be fine like he always is." Raf smiled, "Yeah!" I smiled, the bell rang. "Anyways! Let's get to class!" Jack answered, we walked in and went our separate ways. It went how it always went, English, Maths, Science then Social Studies. "Okay, class! You have a social studies quiz on Friday about the different cultures, how they are alike, and how they are different! Last thing I have for you is a new textbook! Chapters One and Two Pages 1-50 (Yes it's that long)!" Mr. Ioqa explained, the bell rang as all the kids left as I slowly packed up. "Mrs. Y/n?" Mr. Ioqa whispered, I paused and looked up. "Yes sir?" I asked looking straight at him, "Your counselor has noting me the troubles you've gone through? Is that correct?" He asked handing me my textbook, I nodded. I only went to the counselor during lunch or free times so they could help me with my insaneness, "Well! She wants you to see her before you leave the building." He answered, I nodded as I packed everything and walked to the door. "Also Y/n? If you actually read those two chapters I'll think about turning your grade into a C or a B- for ya!" He smiled, I nodded and left.

As I walked down to the counselor's office I knocked on the door twice, "Come in!" Mrs. Harmony answered, I turned the knob and walked in. "Mrs. Harmony? I was told you wanted to see me?" I asked, "Oh yes! I did!" She gasped, she turned her chair towards me. "I haven't let your little sister know about this yet! But I felt like you could tell her! But I got a call from your real family! Your grandparents called saying they would love to come up and stay and take care of you, along with your one aunt!" She explained, I went wide-eyed. "I-I haven't seen them in a long while! I would like to think about my decision and get Emma's first before saying!" I smiled, Mrs. Harmony nodded. "You have all the time!" She smiled, I nodded. "Thank you! Anyways! I should get going now! My ride is probably worried!" I smiled, she nodded. I then quickly left the building seeing the other four near their rides to base in a circle, I quickly ran down to them. "Big sister? What are you so happy about?" Emma asked turning.

Optimus Prime x Abused/Insane reader {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now