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Y/n and Optimus were still in the room, he was watching Y/n slowly paint as she was telling her story. "And as soon as I heard the sirens I launched towards him and slit his through, and to make sure he was fully dead, I stabbed him over and over until my clothes were all full of blood. I knew if I had gloves on the police wouldn't catch me, but if I didn't they would've. But I did have gloves, I kept them on as I rushed downstairs and towards the side of the house where my little sister was, I knew she would be mad at me but she knew I was doing it for both of us so she didn't say anything, so, after that, I jumped out the side window once they got in and ran as fast as I could to Rafael's house where I dropped her off." She told Optimus as Agent Fowler was in the room as well, "And where is Rafael's house?" Fowler asked, "Only Bumble Bee and Y/n know." Optimus answered, "Well I would like to talk to this little girl?" The Cheif demanded as he walked in, Optimus looked at her with a begging look. "Y/n...if we let you come with us, will you promise to not try and escape?" He asked, "WHAT?!" Fowler and the Cheif yelled, "Only if I have my freedom after?" She smiled, "NO WAY IN HELL!" The chief shouted, "SHUT IT!" Optimus frowned as he turned to them, once he turned back to Y/n only to see her evil grin. "If we let you out, the only place you can come is with me to my base!" Optimus frowned, "Fine with me! As long as I get out of this hell whole and have to stop taking the medication, also for someone fix my broken legs?" I smiled as I looked at him with dead eyes, "Fine." He nodded.

----------After fixing and bandaging Y/n (On the way to Rafael's house) Your P.O.V.-------------

I smiled as we drove up to Rafael's house, Fowler tried to keep a distance from me as there was the Cheif driving in his cop car behind us. "There," I answered calmly pointing. Optimus stopped the truck in front of the house as his holo form appeared and climbed out after me, we walked up into the house, me in a black dress with black tights so the bandages weren't really visible, my ears and tail were also hidden so the public wouldn't think of me like a beast. I made my way up to the house and went to knock when the door suddenly opened and Emma jumped out and hugged me tightly, Optimus went wide-eyed as he caught me when I fell back. "Big sister! I missed you so much! I don't want you to leave me ever again!" She cried, I stared down at her with a blank expression not knowing what to do. Raf was at the door, "O-Optimus? What's going on?" He asked, "We will talk about it...later..." Optimus frowned as he looked at me, "Big sister? What's wrong? You're not saying anything?" Emma frowned as she looked up at me, Optimus looked over and frowned.

I then heard the voices again saying to run, I kept trying to fight them off but it was hard. "Y-Y/n?" Raf whispered, I looked up at him with a confused look. Everyone was staring at me now, "S-Sorry." I quickly apologized, the chief glared at me. "Kid? Are we allowed to come in?" He asked still glaring at me, "Uh sure...my parents aren't home at this time." Raf frowned as he moved out of the doorway, Emma then pulled me into the house as I followed her to the living room. "Sissy! Look what I did before you got here," She smiled as she sat down on the floor. I frowned as I saw on the coffee table a drawing of me, mom, dad, and her. Our real family, "T-That...l-looks nice Emma?" I tried to smile a bit, "Oh! You gotta come to see my bedroom! Raf and his parents decorated it for me!" She gasped with excitement, "Uh-! Emma-? I don't think she's allowed, after all, they're only here for business...? Right, Optimus?" Raf asked as he looked from us to Optimus, he nodded. "But she's my sister!!!" Emma pouted, the chief sighed. "Fine kid, you have five minutes!" The Cheif answered, Emma, smiled as she tugged me back.

"Uh-? What's wrong with Y-Y/n? It looks like she doesn't have any emotions?" Raf asked, "It's the medicine that they've been giving her in the asylum we took her to." The Cheif answered, "There are two effects, one semi-permanent, and the other only goes till the medicine is done. Those effects are child-like behavior and becoming emotionless," Raf and Optimus went wide-eyed. "WHAT?!" Raf yelled, "If Emma finds out what you guys are doing to her there she won't hesitate to do to you guys as y/n did to their foster parents!?" Raf stated, Optimus frowned and looked back at the open door that I went in Emma. He slowly walked back and paused at the door when he heard Emma talking, "And this is Raven! She protects them with her magic!" Emma smiled, "Sounds...awesome!" I tried to smile again, "Excuse me? Emma?" Optimus answered, Emma, paused and turned to Optimus. "Ooh!!! you look just like him!!!" Emma gasped, she pulled him in and sat him next to me. She grabbed an action figure of spider-man and showed him it, "See! Red and Blue!" Emma giggled, I sat there staring at the ground. "Big Sister? What's wrong now?" Emma asked, I looked over at her when she said that. Taking me out of my thoughts, "N-Nothing-!" I frowned and looked away, Optimus saw the sadness in my eyes but didn't want to comfort me because of my sister.

"Prime! Y/N! Five Minutes are up!" The Cheif yelled, Emma frowned as she took her action figures away from Optimus and put them back in their bins. We all got up and started out her bedroom door and walked into the living room, the cheif was getting on my nerves and I wanted to kill him, but if I did it would be back in the asylum for me. "Now can we please get down to business?" The cheif asked, I looked over at Raf as Emma walked over to him and sat next to him. "Mrs. Lifle? Can you please have a seat on the couch?" The officer asked, I frowned. Kill them all! That is what the voices were telling me to do. I stared down at the floor as I heard my name yelled, "MRS LIFLE?!" The Cheif yelled, I looked up at the Cheif as I had my blank expression on. Emma didn't like that I was going in and out of thought and not telling anyone, "Please sit down on the couch!" He demanded, I frowned as I fell to the ground. Everyone went wide-eyed as I was covering my eyes, Optimus came to my side. "Sissy-!?" Emma gasped, "RAF! TELL BUMBLEBEE TO COME IMMEDIATELY!" Optimus answered, Raf, nodded and got out his phone while trying to hold Emma back. It was just then that I let my secret out, my ears and tail popped out as my eyes glowed purple, but the pain didn't stop there. As soon as I calmed down a bit and was relaxing in Optimus's lap things went a little out of control, the voices seem like they were in the room somewhere and they were. "Kill the ones who you despise!" That is what they kept repeating, Raf and Emma were on their way with Raf's friend.

"Where the hell is these voices coming from!?" Fowler gasped, Cheif went wide-eyed as a knife appeared in my hands. Optimus frowned, "Y-Y/N-! P-Put the knife down!" He begged, my grip on the knife tightened as I dug my head in his chest. My face was red as I wrapped my arms around his neck and dropped the knife, "Please! I don't want to go back!" I begged, "That's where the voices came from!" Optimus blushed a tint of blue as it grew more and more, I could tell his alt form would definitely be heated up by now. Optimus was holding me tightly and not wanting to let go, "Officer? I would like to take Y/n to my base, I shall keep an eye on her and make sure she does not do anything crazy!" Optimus asked, the cheif sighed. "Only since your the only one she trusts!" He answered, Optimus picked me up bridal-style and smiled. We walked out the door and over to Optimus' alt form, he gently put me in the passenger seat and disappeared as the buckle came across my torso and buckled me in. Agent Fowler hopped in on the other side and we started to Optimus' base with leaving the Cheif by himself.

Optimus Prime x Abused/Insane reader {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now